Tuesday 3 October 2023

Spoilers for next week's Coronation Street - October 9 to 13, 2033

Here are the major storylines for the week ahead on Coronation Street, all wrapped up nicely in 50 words or less.

Monday 9 October to Friday 13 October, 2023

Stephen's crimes are revealed, Audrey confronts her son, the net closes in on Stephen - will he be caught?

See the full week's preview with pictures at Corrie.net  

Note: If you still see last week's previews when you click through to Corrie.net, please refresh your browser.

Glenda Young
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  1. Of course Carla couldn't not tell Jenny, who of course would tell Stephan FFS....predictable

  2. I'm looking forward to Gail's reactions to her brother's crimes.
    In the aftermath of her husband's Richards crimes which included the murder of Maxine Peacock,Gail escaped to Canada visiting Stephen in hopes she wouldn't be questioned but she won't have anywhere to escape this time and have to face both Jenny and Sally.

    1. Gail is not responsible for her brother's actions.

  3. How would it be Gail's fault? Jenny and Sally are the doormat in this situation, not Gail. She was barely invovled.

  4. I did not mean to imply that Stephen's crimes are Gail's fault but unfortunately everyone on the Street will think it is and Gail won't have anywhere to escape to as she did in the aftermath of Hillman's crimes.
    I think Sarah will also have a lot of explaining to do on why she kept quiet abut Stephen's theft now that it seems Audrey may lose her home.

    1. Gail really doesn't have any explaining to do, as she is not involved in this whatsoever, so why would she need to hide? The only person that has a lot of explaining to do is Stephen

  5. Bobby Dazzler, your "predictable" comment was not correct. Often, it is good to allow the story play out before passing judgment.
