Tuesday 10 October 2023

Coronation Street Episode Review Monday 9th October

Michael, Sarah, Tim, Jenny, Stephen, Carla, Peter and Audrey - Coronation Street - ITV

It's Corrie's Sensational Super Soap Week: The Downfall of Stephen Reid. I'm going to miss the beige bomber-jacketed hole-puncher; he's been a great villain, not quite in the same league as Hillman but better than Phelan or Corey, in my opinion. We start with a flash-forward: a distressed Sarah, a stunned Michael, a traumatised Carla, but no Tim, Elaine or Jenny.


Back in the now, everything's fine: Stephen and Jenny are planning their new lives in Thailand (what is it with men wanting to whisk Jenny away to foreign climes? What's wrong with Blackpool? I mean apart from the fact her dad was killed there), Carla is going to apologise to Stephen as suggested by D.S. Blonde Ponytail, and Tim is planning an anniversary meal for Sally, since he forgot their actual anniversary, although he thinks it will involve a trip to Marrakesh (or Chorlton) to buy pink salt, pickled walnuts and banana shallots. "Trust me, this is going to be a night to remember," he says. Oh Tim! 


He abandons both the tagine and Kev's offer of a box at the Weathy County match in order to go poking around the canal. You should've stayed in the kitchen, Tim! Stephen, who's onto Tim because he remembers hearing Tim's ringtone the last time everyone was at the canal, jumps into the back of his cab, tries to strangle him with his tie, and when that doesn't work, hits him over the head with a metal bar. It's only the sound of police helicopters overhead that stops him setting Tim and his car alight. I'm glad cop 'copters are good for sommat other than keeping me awake at night. Of course, Sally believes her hubby is at the match and so hasn't raised the alarm, but Tim has helpfully dropped his (new) wallet as a CLUE. In the meantime, Craig and D.S. Blonde Ponytail have the canal dredged and find a body a.k.a Teddy.


Considering everyone on Corrie does nowt but natter to each other, Carla (and Peter), Tim (and Elaine) and Sarah are not sharing information. Peter wants to smack a confession out of Stephen, but they need to make sure Stephen doesn't suspect they're onto him. The only one doing anything sensible is Carla, who warns Jenny not to go with Stephen to Thailand.

To be honest, the most shocking bit of tonight's ep was how quickly Stephen got through to the airline company to change his flight details.

The comic relief story was Ken's bday in the Bistro, at which everyone gave him model railway presents, to his chagrin. At first, I thought they were getting him confused with Roy, but it turns out that model railway magazines were being delivered to his house rather than 1 Balaclava Terrace. I really can't believe Ken wouldn't have taken the misdelivered post 'round whilst walking Eccles. That poor person on Balaclava Terrace  - they've been in a running battle with Miniature Railway Monthly about those missing mags.

Rachel Stevenson - on twitter

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