Monday 7 August 2023

Preview of tonight's Coronation Street - Monday 7 August 2023


GLENDA’S VOICE CAUSES NO END OF PROBLEMS Jenny and Daisy are gutted when a croaky Glenda reveals she has lost her voice and can’t perform at the event they are throwing to impress the Newtons. Philip Newton is impressed however when he finds out Glenda had booked singer Glyn Young. When an elderly old man with a hearing aid arrives Jenny, Glenda and Daisy are thrown into panic. Will the night be a flop and will Philip and Henry agree to buy the Rovers? Henry gently breaks the news to Jenny that having looked at the accounts, the brewery isn’t prepared to buy the Rovers and hands her the contact details of a developer.

ELIZA PLAYS GAMES WITH STU Eliza lies to Yasmeen and Stu that she is going to holiday club. When Stu finds out there is no holiday club and he can’t find her anywhere he is shocked to find her with a strange man at the precinct. 

STEPHEN PUTS SARAH’S WELLBEING BEFORE HIS OWN Rufus’ wife Lou calls at the factory and tells Stephen and Michael she’s cancelled the meeting as the inquest report into Rufus’s death is due out tomorrow, she suspects foul play and she’s contacted the Gazette. Stephen masks his panic. Alone in the factory office, Stephen scours the press for reports about Rufus’s death.

ELSEWHERE Dev returns home to find Bernie setting up a massage table. Bernie reveals that she found it in a skip and plans to use it to earn a bit of cash. What could go wrong? In the Rovers backyard, an already tipsy Adam tells Dee-Dee he’s heading into town to get drunk and forget about the last few weeks.

Glenda Young
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