Wednesday 9 August 2023

Coronation Street Episode Review Monday 7th August

It was a bit like an old episode of Corrie tonight what with a singer losing her voice, a lecherous boss, a collapsing massage table, people hearing what they weren't supposed to due to a rogue microphone, the OAP singing turn (last seen at the Zambezi club in 1969) having a turn, and the community rallying around to Save The Rovers. I have to say that Jenny's attempts to balance the books (which are actual books! I imagine most pubs that are tied into a brewery have online accounts that the brewery can look at every week) were pretty poor. She needed to do a social media blitz (or hand out a flyer to the senior citizens) explaining why prices were going up, or think of some other uses for the pub (karaoke, clothes swap, wine tasting evening, book club, supper club, messy play) or cost cutting - shut in the afternoons or on Monday (bit hard for me to review an episode though) or do a Kickstarter. I'm probably taking this too seriously, but business have to move on, things can't stay the same forever else you'd still have a public and saloon bar, women wouldn't be allowed in the former and we'd still be drinking mead. The visiting Newtons decide that they're not going to buy the pub due to the accounts and also Henry overhearing about cocaine deals and ambulance visits, which leaves Jenny contemplating selling to a development company. I'm glad this storyline has brought Henry back - he was always a problematic fave - but it feels though that we've done this story before.

Talking of money worries, Bernie (a.k.a Bernard Scissorhands) has persuaded Todd (or rather Paul did) to have a massage chez Dev on a massage table that she found in a skip. Todd has had a wax in preparation for this. I'm not sure why Bernie didn't crack open the massage parlour (ahem) before now given the Winter-Battersby-Brown's parlous fiscal state.

And talking of stories that have been done before, I thought at first that Eliza meeting a strange man without telling her granddad was a repeat of the Sarah-Lou grooming storyline, but it's in fact a repeat of the Tim/Faye story, in which an estranged dad re-connects with daughter. I'm assuming a tug of love is forthcoming?

Rufus's widow turns up to say that she's gone to the press about her ex-husband's suspicious death. I had forgotten about the world's worst mockney, but it seems like he's coming back to haunt Stephen, or at least Lou is.

As an aside, what do we think of the weird haunted doll in the new Argos ident? It reminds me somewhat of the doll in What We Do In The Shadows but to be honest, I'm just glad that the meerkats were canned.

Rachel Stevenson - on twitter

All original work on Coronation Street Blog is covered by a Creative Commons License


  1. Hi, please could anyone help me find out where the orange dress worn by Maria in Monday nights episode was purchased from? Been looking since Monday and can't seem to find it. Xxx

  2. The problem with the Stu/Eliza/Eliza's Dad story isn't so much that it's a rehash of the Tim/Faye story so much as we just don't care about these characters.

    I like the new Argos ads. They're so much better than the utterly non-descript and forgettable old ones.
