Sunday 27 August 2023

Coronation Street Episode Review Friday 25 August 2023

As it is Manchester Pride this weekend (which has long been supported by Coronation Street) it was no surprise that various residents were getting themselves appropriately attired and after Paul worries about the crowds decides to stay at home. Billy and Paul are half of Abba along with Gemma and Bernie who are all dressed up. 

An unplanned visit from Melody Luton, the occupational therapist, sets him at odds with Billy who starts answering all the questions and suggesting a wheelchair.  Paul rules against a wheelchair and says that there will be a stair lift soon (via Todd) so he does not need anything at present.  Melody tells Billy off for interfering but makes it clear to Paul - the wheelchair is next on the treatment plan.  Paul just feels that change is happening too quickly and he cannot adjust.  He takes himself off to the Seb Franklin memorial garden for a drink and following a chat with former cell mate David then heads off for that day out at Pride - and frankly who cam blame him - enjoy every minute, lad.

At Plattland - Max has passed all of his GCSEs.  David reminds Uncle Stephen that he is due at Lily's tenth birthday party this afternoon (so this is Saturday 26 August) which is slightly disappointing for the latter as he has arranged a "non-date" with Jenny to attend a wine tasting at the same time.  As Glenda points out this is a highly impressive first date ("it is not a date," Jenny replies) as she is being taken to "meet the family".  So we move from a Platt - Barlow mixed family to a Platt - Connor family mix.  

Audrey appears to be receiving sales communications from an equity release firm and David and Gail both warn her off as it is will be a scam.  Stephen suggests to Jenny that they head off - but she says she is enjoying herself and wants to stay - just before Lily knocks a drink all over the new tablecloth and  mayhem ensues.  Consequentially Shona welcomes her to the family (well David did reckon Stephen had got an upgrade on Tim's mum).

Carla is back to work and already seems to be worrying - she has not had much sleep, she declares.  A key goes in the lock and Simon walks in.  For new readers I thought I would show you what he looks like as he has not been around much lately and admits to Kirk that he does not know who Paul is - as the latter is currently missing.  Ryan remains in a darkened bedroom taking pictures of himself for posting on t'interwebby thing.  Ryan then wanders into Underworld to give Carla some money towards bills from his online earnings.  Beth remarks she is missing her daily pic of Ryan on her feed and he becomes aware that the girls are all discussing him.  Apparently Kirk tried to oil himself - but using Lurpak does not achieve the right result.  

Once back at the flat Ryan posts a picture which includes part of his scar and later when made aware of some of the comments by Carla, he storms about the flat throwing things around and being highly unpleasant - blaming Carla and the factory lot.  Peter returns and is forced to grab Ryan, shove him against the wall and tells him to calm down.  Ryan appears to be out of control.  Peter packs Ryan's clothes but does not see the drug store (we do).  Later Ryan is remorseful and Carla insists he stays - but Peter is not happy.

George and Todd are not talking - well apart from Todd saying that he is burying Mrs Beetham - the client Rest Easy stole from Shuttleworths.  George needs a new assistant and casts his net wide - and Mary volunteers herself for today.  Meanwhile at work Todd receives instruction on his need to up-sell before the dearly departed departs as it is one "final sale in the coffin" as Troy Soyer describes it.  

Todd does his best with Mr Beetham but apparently the funeral was running late and the next family were outside expressing their concern.  It rather undermines Todd's sales pitch as Mrs Beetham wants to be scattered on her prize begonia - but an urn might allow portability.  In the Rovers, Todd is not happy but George cannot admit that Mary was far from ideal.  

Paul returns from Pride with new best friends KY Kelly, Bobby Twaddle and Liquorice Black.  Paul had had a tumble and the ladies saw him safely back to his spiritual home (well it is a home for spirits).  They discuss the progress made by the community and Glenda pronounces that in 10 years time gay marriage will be compulsory and confirms she is as camp as a picnic basket, camp as a leather tent, camp as a handbag full of rainbows as she dispenses shots.  She says it comes from working the cruise ships where all the nice boys love a sailor!  Billy arrives and Paul greets him with the almost famous line from "The Shining"- "Hi, honey I'm homo".

Nina's all night stitching session enables the Golden Girls to join in the fun.  Paul and Billy's favourite television show.  There was a plan for Aadi to be Rose but he declined whilst apparently they had been mistaken for Bananarama!  Billy tries to continue the argument with Paul - but the latter is having none of it.  

Mary has also dressed up for a big shop at Freshco - Glenda observes that she has hardly come to the right place "to be alone" but Mary corrects her - that was Greta Garbo whilst she is Marlene Dietrich.  Glenda observes that she always gets those two confused like Ant and Dec.  Bernie shouts over to Mary that she always like a bit of Harpo Marx!  Mary departs in tears.  

Billy and Todd return to the flat to share a bottle of rosé, where the latter hears the story of Paul's recent infidelity.  Billy adds, not realising that Paul is in the bedroom doorway that had it not been for the illness he now thinks he would not have stayed with him.  Paul tells him not to hang about for his sake.  Paul goes to bed.  

The Street publicity team have released various items about this first "Pride" themed episode - and both Dolly (Gemma) and Jane (Bernie) wore the same outfits to Pride on Saturday where for the first time they walked Pride rather than being on a float as they took part in the Parade in an aim to reduce emissions.

I hope I have not only managed to reflect the storylines tonight but also the one-liners which abounded and the hard work by the background crew on the outfits.  It would take too long to show everything - but it was a busy episode tonight.  Well done to all concerned.

Written by David Proud and Damon Alexis Rochefort.  Directed by Abe Juckes.


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  1. Brett Thomson-Hunter27 August 2023 at 17:25

    I get that Billy loves Paul and cares about him, but I really wish he would stop suffocating Paul and let him enjoy his life the way he wants. Who does Gemma think she is saying that Paul's being selfish when he's trying to enjoy himself while he still can?

    Also, If it wasn't for Billy and Bernie's bickering over what they think is best for Paul, then Paul wouldn't have left home to seek refuge in a hotel where he ended up bumping into Zac. The only reason Paul went to the hotel was to get a break from Billy and Bernie's bickering, but things ended up taking a wrong turn. So all in all, it was their bickering that started all this. Billy says he'll make good on his promise not to force Paul into baptism again, but if he breaks his promise, then Paul's not gonna stay in the relationship for much longer.

  2. I thought Summer, Asha and Nina had come as Elsie Tanner, Phyllis Pearce and Bet Lynch...

  3. Sharon Boothroyd28 August 2023 at 13:53

    Great episodes this week!
    I liked Shona saying to Jenny 'Welcome to the family' even though Jenny and Stephen haven't reunited yet. The Platts know what's on the cards...
    Yes, we had a rare glimpse of Simon. What is he doing and where is he working? I reckon he needs a love interest.
    It was good to see Carla and Peter at home, easy with one another as a couple. For a long time, we didn't even know where they lived.
    How an earth has Max managed to pass his GCSE's? He didn't seem interested in Daniel's lessons at all.
    The drag queens were very kind to Paul and I think that was lovely.
