Wednesday 12 July 2023

Coronation Street Episode Review Monday 10th July

Michael is doing a positivity mantra before the big meeting as the factory is moving into maternity wear. Wouldn't Stephen's continued presence affect the good vibes in the factory? Anyway, Michael's mantra works, but on Sarah, who impresses the buyer so much that she wants to take her on a business tour of the US. Aren't these things done by Zoom nowadays? Anyway, Sarah wants to do this but she also wants the baby, even more so when she has a scare and goes into Kate Oates memorial - but is told everything's OK. Adam is convinced his super sperm has impregnated his wife, but even the ultrasound can't convince him that they should keep the baby if it is Damon's. I guess he could take advice from his brother-in-law on how to force people to have abortions?

Talking of Damon, the analogue internet (the news headlines sheet outside the Kabin) tells Nick that a local gangster has killed a local drug dealer. He immediately thinks that its Mr Hay who's dead, but in the end, it isn't. So I guess that means Damon will be back to claim his spawn?

Look who's popped back up! It's Spider, whose storyline came to an end some time ago, so surely he should have left by now. He may well do as his photo has appeared on a right wing website and he is now a target. He doesn't know who posted it but he reckons he can narrow it down to about 50 people. Didn't Griff's gang comprise about 3 members (not including groomed teenagers)? His colleague tells him there's an opening in a different town where he could assume a new identity. If so, he should probably lose the jumper and beads. What will Weatherfield PD do without its vegan anarchist branch? He doesn't tell Toyah any of this and is distracted when she tries to feed him a romantic frozen strawberry (Toyah, it's July, you can buy a punnet of fresh ones for, like, a quid fifty). Whilst in the pub, Daisy runs off to say goodbye to Ryan (see below), leaving Toyah in charge, who doesn't use the opportunity to reminisce about when she used to run the place or help herself to triple whiskeys but instead argues with Spider about whether he still fancies her.

Gemma gets a visit from a social worker who finds out that she a) was running an illegal childminding business and b) had more than 4 kids in her care at the same time. To be honest, you get what you pay for and Daniel knew he was getting the cheaper option when he engaged her services. It would have been good to have had a scene in which Daniel told Daisy that his old childminder had moved away or put up her/his prices, or something to explain why Gemma was looking after Bertie. Anyway, Gemma is understandably upset and worried, especially about money, citing Paul's treatment, which I believe would be covered by the NHS?

It's Sally's birthday at the Bistro, so Leanne is doing her usual excellent customer service, i.e. complaining about the customer. The do is quite small in the end, just the Metcalfes, Elaine and Stephen, the Franklin-Websters (with Abi looking more like the gorgeous Sally Carman than the scruffy Abi), and Gerry the Tai Chi guy, who tells a preposterous story about a wolf. I'm loving Gerry the Tai Chi guy but I can't help but feel he's not long for this world, especially when Stephen takes umbrage with him. Querying Gerry's story, he says: "I can take care of myself if I need to," he says - yep he can, as long as he has access to a hole-punch at all times.

Oh and Ryan goes off to Ireland but is very wrong about one thing - crunchy peanut butter is better.

Rachel Stevenson - on twitter (not Threads).

All original work on Coronation Street Blog is covered by a Creative Commons License


  1. I didn’t understand the remark Gemma made about paying for Paul’s treatment either. Why would she have to pay anything?

  2. Jeanie (anon): Of course, in the long run, the child will turn out to be Adam's. But that will not be resolved until the two have split up and become mortal enemies, fighting for custody. In the mean time, expect to have a time when Damon (and Sarah) are convinced the child is his, and Damon postures about wanting to be a good father to this child (despite kicking his first son's face in).

    Poor Adam--first time he has ever seemed so insecure and vulnerable.
