Wednesday 5 July 2023

Coronation Street Episode Review Monday 3rd July


Gemma is organising the chilli eating competition, which so far only involves Shona, Dev and Chesney. You can't make a ginger eat ghost chillis! That's a hate crime. "I struggle with a glacier mint," quoth Ches. Gemini invokes the spirit of Ron "Iron Guts" McGee, but Chesney loses the contest whilst Shona is victorious. I guess they did this kind of thing down at the Paul Robeson estate all the time. Paul is discombobulated by all the fuss and the pity and who can blame him, especially when he discovers Bernie putting crystals in the cupboard under the sink (where next? The toilet cistern?) and then she and Billy argue about their beliefs. "Lots of celebrities use crystals" Bernie retorts, both truthfully and meaninglessly.

Paul flounces off to the Chariot Square hotel where he starts spending some of the chilli money on pints and shots for himself and then Zack, an old boyfriend who is doing some plumbing in the hotel and is still resentful that Paul finished with him. Zack turns out to be a bit of rough trade as he spots Paul's cash and then invites him up to a hotel room where Zack pours out his mini-bar miniature into a plant pot (fortunately it won't kill the plant as it's plastic) and gets Paul drunk(er), then nicks the dough. It's not really a surprise that Paul passes out, as he must surely be on painkillers, which probably don't mix with day-drinking.

Talking of mystical woo-woo, Elaine invites Gerry the Tai Chi fella to Roy's with herself and Stephen where the bacon is the yin to the barm's yang (with some karma ketchup). Gerry obliviously fancies Elaine but she only has eyes for Mr Hole Punch who says to his fiancée that they should fix a date for the wedding. As ever, Stephen is multi-tasking, he also manages to persuade Gabrielle to pretend to be Seagull Ltd on a Zoom call with Carla so he can "prove" that they're a real business. Gab says what we've all been thinking: "All this connivance over a pittance", but Stephen says he has his eyes on the main prize just as Elaine walks into the flat. Oh, you rotter!


Over at the Rovers, they've remembered it's pub quiz day and Tyrone and Boring Stu are forced into a team with resident eggheads Yas and Roy (they should really do an episode with Roy and Yasmeen on a TV quiz show). Stu shows remarkable self-awareness in saying "I'm not that clever", then gets all whiny and jealous over Roy, but later apologises. Not sure what this is about unless to show that of Geoff's victims, one of them, Yasmeen, has moved on to a better, if boring, man, but Elaine has repeated the same mistake?

As an aside, the pub quiz has been going since Johnny and Jenny took over the Rovers, but Roy didn't know about the convention of buying the runners-up a drink or returning the plastic statuette?

And finally, at the rival establishment it's somehow busy for a Monday, Leanne is rushed off her feet serving the four tables, and Ryan offers to go back to work. Given that he's presumably on statutory sick pay, he'd have to go back eventually.

Rachel Stevenson - on twitter

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  1. They need a better Tai Chi advisor. It's all about gentle swaying movements. No high leg raises. Elaine was talking as if she'd been doing yoga or a Jane Fonda workout!
    Paul's behaviour was stupid, but at least he wasn't unfaithful to Billy.
    The quiz was a bit of a mess. Stu would have known all the pop music and sport, making them a team with a good spread of knowledge.

    1. Paul hasn't cheated once. ​​​If it wasn't for Billy and Bernie's bickering over what they think is best for Paul, this situation could've been avoided.

      If Billy and Bernie keep bickering and forcing their beliefs on Paul, then all it's gonna do is push Paul further away.

  2. Sharon boothroyd6 July 2023 at 13:16

    I agree, the quiz was a mess but I liked how Stu felt on edge, feeling jealous of Yasmeen with Roy.
    Although why he feels Roy is a threat, I don't know.
    If it was George, Stephen or Dev, I could understand it.
    Yes, with Stu being a musician of sorts, you'd think he'd know the vintage pop music and football questions, but as he was in prison for a long time, maybe it passed him by.
    What happened to that compensation money, by he way? Was he awarded it?
    If so, what did he do with it?
    Evelyn is supposed to be secretly in love with Roy. Personally, I think she could better!
