Monday 26 June 2023

Lauren returns and wants Max back? Corrie Blog interviews Cait Fitton

Fresh from his STC release, Max Turner's hardly kept himself under house arrest upon returning to Weatherfield life. He’s riled Alya by letter bombing Speed Daal and gained a new love interest with Bec, the girlfriend of his cell-mate who is still inside. With revelations of his racist past still causing repercussions, you’d think things couldn't get any worse for the troubled youngster, but this week sees the return of his former beau, Lauren Bolton!

In tonight's episode (June 26th) Gav is back at the precinct, having been released from the STC, announcing his intention to marry Bec. When Max reveals that Bec has moved on, and she’s going out with Max now, Gav’s furious. Later, the lovebirds share a kiss but don't realise they are being watched by Lauren. 

On Wednesday, Max is shocked when Lauren approaches, revealing that she fell out with her Mum, wants nothing more to do with her Dad (or his right-wing mates), and spent last night kipping in the bus station. Max takes her to the cafĂ© for a catch-up. He then learns that the CPS want him to make a statement against Griff, which Spider encourages. Lauren then makes a move on Max. Has she returned to try and save Griff, or does she still have feelings for Max? 

In my latest Coronation Street cast chat, we spoke with actress Cait Fitton (who plays Lauren) about her character's return. Cait told us ‘I think, deep down she (Lauren) craves attention and wants that affection. It's sad as she’s never had that. She doesn't understand compassion or empathy, because of her background, and how she’s been brought up'

Lauren is also a victim of grooming by her own Dad. Will we see her still under his influence, or has she changed in light of what has happened to Max?  

She’s been away for six months, and gone through these experiences that would change a person. I think she just wants to be accepted now. She wants to be taken away from what she was known for, and what her Dad was known for, and she just wants to be herself. But, she can't do that on her own. I think acceptance for Lauren is a big thing and she’s willing to show everybody she has changed.

What does she want from Max? 

She’s desperate. Her relationship with her Mum is so toxic, she hasn't got that mother/daughter bond with her. She has no friendship groups and her dad’s in prison. She’s no safety net and needs Max’s help

How does she feel seeing Max with Bec? 

It's hard for her because there are so many emotions. She’s a ticking time bomb who puts a front on. She’s instantly hurt, shocked, and betrayed; feelings that are all relevant on this occasion, but she’s suppressing her feelings and there’s a chance she will explode. She wants Max to be happy. Lauren was used as bait in the right-wing plot and feels guilty, but is heartbroken at seeing him with Bec. She’s no malice against Bec, it's just devastating for her!


Personally, I'm glad to see her back. Normally (being 40 + years old) I don't get too enamoured with these teenage storylines, but the right-wing grooming plot drew a lot of the ensemble cast together, and I liked it a lot! I may be biased due to my crush on Sair Khan (Alya Nazir) but it is what it is! Anyway, I digress. Could the reformed former bad-boy be drawn back into a romance with Lauren, or (as I suspect) is she being used as bait again in the final hope of somehow mitigating Griff’s sentencing? 

Watch Coronation Street tonight to find out - it looks to be another great week on the cobbles!

I am @rybazoxo your Coronation Street blogger 

All original work on Coronation Street Blog is covered by a Creative Commons License


  1. Bored, bored, bored of Max. Why is he given so much air time? it’s not as if he is played by a great actor.

  2. I'm just wondering. I know that Gav is a regular right now. When I first heard about Lauren returning and Iain's preview that Max would find romance. I thought they were emulating David from 10 years ago (with Tina and Graeme), but now we have Bec who he is starting to have a romance with.
    Are both Bec and Lauren regulars now? I've noticed that Bec has not had her last namne revealed.

    1. We now know that she's not Bec either and Gav is her brother.
