Tuesday 20 June 2023

Coronation Street Episode Review Monday 19th June


Jen X is struggling with modern technology, saying that Owen send her funny gifts (gifs) and she's using the socials to update the Rovers' customers on what beers are on and to remind the regulars about the Monday quiz. She should remind herself as well as there's no evidence of Quiz Night in this episode. On the subject of Newton and Ridley's offerings, I've recently noticed there is a beer called Pudi Glover and another named Joel Jacobs. These are the names of actors in Community (Danny, Donald, McHale, Gillian). Look out for a Brie Chase porter and a Brown Rash mild next week.

Anyway, Jenny's all loved up with Owen, but I can't help but feel that this may be dead partner #4 for her as Stephen is no doubt going to get busy with the hole-punch soon (his rule is drugs in the tea for ladies, hole punch in the head for men). At the moment though he's busy siphoning money from Underworld to pay for his life insurance policy on poor old Elaine, something Owen questions when looking at the books.

Also loved up is Daisy although not with her fiance. I can't tell whether she genuinely fancies Ryan, feels sorry for him or feels guilty for the Crytsal de Bergerac debacle. Maybe a mix of all three. Anyway the physical therapy seems to have done Ryan a world of good, until the end of the ep when Max, desperate to raise his standing in the community, points out that it was he who raised the alarm after he received the text on Daisy/Crystal's phone and let Daniel know that Ryan was in danger. Uh-oh. Also, Daisy must have some hardcore lippy as none of it is smeared on Ryan's chops., 

Summer and Amy talk at the Barlow household in Corrie

Amy meets with her tutor who tells her she has to repeat the year, which presumably means another £9k for Amy (or Steve/Tracy) to pay out. She and Summer hit the town (aka the Bistro) and get drunk on tequila slammers before Amy MeToos a couple with a dancing hubby and reluctant wife and then vomits in the Bistro's planters. Amy/Elle was excellent in this scene, playing a convincing drunk and letting her personal circumstances influencing the way she viewed an innocent scene. I hope all the Soap Awards are hers next year.


Everyone has had enough of Isabella and I have too, even thought I usually like a disruptive character. Her flat is still not ready so Brian suggests she go on a tour of the "Northern Riviera" so he can have a bit of peace for a few weeks. Throw in Whitehaven, Mablethorpe and Cockermouth and she'll soon be fleeing back to Naples. Unfortunately, she misunderstands and it seems that Brian is going with her as her guide. DVD spin-off? Although I was excited about this storyline's comic potential, it's started to seem xenophobic now with the arrogant foreigner disapproving of all our English ways (not to mention Roy's coffee) and I'm starting to want to see the end of it, and her.

Rachel Stevenson - on twitter

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  1. Considering that the last time Amy got drunk [guzzling a bottle of wine as though it was water]resulted in her getting raped by Aaron[who was chased out of town ],I'm disappointed that Amy hasn't learned and is getting drunk again?!
    Furthermore Summer seemed to be drinking shots along with Amy instead of trying to stop her.
    Perhaps Amy is becoming an alcoholic like her Uncle Peter?

  2. Who was chased out of town....the guy was a rapist, no one chased him...his guilt was too much for him.
    I doubt very much if Summer is going to rape her either...two young girls, one raped by a guy, and the girl who used to date him..blowing off a little steam and celebrating. No crime committed. Stop blaming the victim

    1. Here here! Terrible take on it by Anon 16.41. Aaron most certainly wasn't chased out of town. He finally acknowledged he'd raped Amy and decided to leave with his dad.
      So according to you, Amy should never ever have a drink again? You really are victim blaming

    2. When Amy reported Aaron to the police for rape, DS Swain did the same thing to make her look like the guilty party in order to disprove her allegations against Aaron. Seriously, what did DS Swain think she would achieve by doing that?!

  3. Sharon boothroyd21 June 2023 at 14:29

    Yes I agree Bobby dazzler.
    Please, everyone who comments, stop this horrible name calling with Sarah and stop victim blaming Amy.
    Are Summer and Amy young girls?
    Is Aaron a young boy?
    I would describe the female children in the soap as young girls, not the female adults.
    I thought they were young women!

  4. Bobby Dazzler,I didn't mean to blame the victim at all,I just thought that after what she went through that Amy would be more careful about her drinking that's all as she again got sick throwing up in the bushes.
    Amy was also hurling false accusations at a man who was with his wife about her saying 'no' to him when he was doing nothing wrong.
    Toyah who was serving them seemed very concerned and tried to dissuade Amy from ordering more shots and as for Summer who almost became homeless when Amy put her post about Aaron online should have tried to stop her as well,

  5. Anonymous]16;08]After being hospitalised for alcohol poisoning after Summer found her unconscious in the park,Amy should take it easy on the drinking as she could end up in the hospital again or worse if she's not careful.
