Friday 19 May 2023

Coronation Street Episode Review, Wednesday 17th May, 8 pm

Welcome to another Wednesday Weatherfield round-up and to catch up on the latest goings on, on Coronation Street. Following Monday night's fantastic episode (just me?) and Amy's anguish being posted online, I felt excited as tonight's episode began! There’s a lot to say for girl power on Corrie, and being a confessed feminist, I know whose side I'm on. 

As the post goes viral amongst the residents, it isn't long before Aaron is fired from the garage. Steve tells Tim how guilty he feels, and Tim offers support, explaining how Faye has managed to turn her life around. Aaron’s Dad soon finds out about the blog, visits N0.1, and tells Steve that he can expect a cease and desist letter instructing Amy to take the post down. Steve tells her to leave it online, dragging Tracy to see Dee-dee legal advice, who tells them it could cost hundreds of thousands to contest and they could lose everything. Steve's reluctant yet Tracy is adamant that a fight is on. Tracy goads Steve, bringing Oliver into the argument, and even though I'm a big Tracy fan, I was stunned by that cruel jibe. Steve storms out, going to see Leanne, who tells him that Tracy is right and he should put that same fight into seeking justice for Amy. Aaron then pleads with Amy to remove the post, which she reluctantly agrees. 

Later, at the solicitors, Dee-dee receives instruction from Aaron's solicitor stating that Amy has to write a retraction statement, as a podcast has picked up the issue and broadcasted it to the world. Steve is now up for the fight and Aaron's Dad tells them he will sue them for everything they've got. 

Meanwhile, Craig’s enthusiasm for the C.I.D secondment is seemingly good news for Faye, as she has the day off, deciding to throw him a celebratory surprise promotion party. I was unsure why Izzy was putting such a downer on it, but hey-ho it gave her something to do. 

Faye then gets a surprise visit from Miley and Jackson, and she soon heads to Roys for a family lunch, to help her daughter with her genealogy homework. With all of the family in attendance, Gary quickly spots Faye’s admiration of Jackson. Back at the flat, Faye is getting party pieces ready, and Gary warns her about her ex's intentions. Over at the Bistro, Sally steams in to take charge of decorations, and everyone seems to be bemused by Faye planning a party for this C.I.D promotion. Sally was hilarious! - I loved that.

Craig is soon looking for Faye, and Tim tells him she was out having lunch with Jackson! Craig questions Faye, but it seems his detective skills are a little off.  I can see now why everyone thought that a promotion party was a little bit funny. 

At the STC, Daniel tells Max how worried he is about him and suggests he invites his Dad back for another visit - he needs the family support. David is soon back at the centre and Max opens up, explaining his guilt at getting involved in the right-wing activism and despair at how he may struggle to rebuild his life. David tells his son how much he loves him and how he will get him through it. This was tonight’s stand-out scene for me. Rarely do we see such male emotion like that - superb! Less impressive is the scene with Max’s new friend ‘’singing’’ down the phone. Max tells his pal that he’s not sure about rejoining the real world, it's soon clear that he hasn't told his friend about why he is in the centre in the first place. I can't remember his pal's name but I think we can see where this may be going.

Elsewhere, in the build-up to the wedding, cash-strapped Chesney buys his and Joseph’s morning suits from the charity shop. Linda offers to buy them new outfits and then lends Chesney some more money so can pay for the rest of the wedding. Gemma remains oblivious. 

In other news, Ryan’s back recovering in the hospital and Carla visits - she’s feeling guilty about going away. Ryan’s more positive after another text from ‘Crystal’. Carla questions Daisy about Crystal’s intentions, with the barmaid playing dumb. Later, Daniel surprises Daisy with a date night. 

What did you think of tonight’s offering?  I am @rybazoxo if you want to tweet and let me know!

All original work on Coronation Street Blog is covered by a Creative Commons License

1 comment:

  1. The actor may very well be a pleasant lad. I've struggled with him playing Craig, the Police Officer, hopefully improving as CID.
