Wednesday 3 May 2023

Coronation Street Episode Review Monday 1st May

A happy May Day to you, albeit two days late.

Sally starts off the episode by displaying her Kings Charles coronation plate (not a euphemism). To be honest, I'd've thought Sally to be more of a Diana fan, unable to forgive Charles for Camilla. Ignoring the coronation is Elaine, already prepping for Vegas by wearing a jazzy leopard print blouse (for updates on Stephen's fashion sense, please see Hilda Ogden on twitter). Gretna Green is right there, Elaine! You don't need to elope to the US. Tim starts an argument about it and I'm seriously worried for his bonce if Stephen gets busy with the hole punch again, but Tim later pretends he's on board with the plans and offers to drive them to the airport, but instead he mum-naps Elaine to try to talk some sense into her. It doesn't work and everyone is understandably upset, particularly Elaine (locking someone who's been coercively controlled in a car seems especially insensitive on Tim's part) and she has to take one of her heart-pressure pills. We later see Stephen filing out life insurance form for his fiancée. Is his plan to feed her bacon, halloumi and salted peanuts until she carks it?

Still with clothes, at no.1 our Amy is upset that Tracy-luv has nicked her trainers. "You're not 19," she tells her mum, "no-one thinks you're cool." As a fellow Gen X-er, I feel that Tracy is pretty cool, sartorially. Statuette-wise, not so much. Anyway, Amy is off into town but suffers a panic attack on the bus which is busy with extras. You should try the Elizabeth line at rush hour, hun, then you'll know crowded. Seriously, Ames, there's no point having a dad who runs a taxi firm and taking the bus. This unfortunate event leads to Tracy and Steve chewing out Abi in the Bistro, who's gone for lunch with Aaron and his Johnny Marr-meets-Noel Gallagher dad, now sober, even though he's had the bad news that his mother has died.

In further Bistro news, Maria advises Damon and Nick on planning permission for a late licence, and tells Damon to pay for the meal. I think you'll have to declare that lunch, Councillor Connor! Some of the other residents are up in arms about the proposed change in licence, citing litter, noise etc. It'll only be Monday, Wednesday and Friday though, won't it?

Also in Bistro news, Sarah is grumpy with Adam for wanting to have his birthday there, for Damon related reasons. Well, it's either there or Speed Daal since Delphine's closed during the pandemic and there was that unexplained fire at The Clock.

The comedy storyline is Brian helping George with his shipbuilding. It was just a rumour that was spread around town that Brian snapped George's bosun in half. Todd quite rightly points out that George doesn't actually live at no. 11, but then again Todd is almost forty, shouldn't he have his own bachelor pad by now? Also, I'm not sure that this is the comedy storyline if the comic element is a mug being glued to a dining table.

Finally, Deedee, resplendent in a luxury pink silk jumpsuit, gets Paul to meet a woman whose husband has MND, but Paul is still in a river in Egypt.

Rachel Stevenson - on twitter

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  1. Sharon boothroyd4 May 2023 at 12:48

    I like the Stephen and Elaine marriage story.
    He's clearly planning to do her in at a later stage. I just hope she's saved by Tim or realised what he's up to, as I like Elaine, she's a fab character. I liked the scene scene with Audrey and Elaine, too but why isn't Elaine interested in Miley?
    I'm getting fed up of all the Dee Dee and Paul scenes. He's going to find himself on the receiving end of Damon and Nail's revenge.
    I don't know why Paul bothered re-uniting with Billy, as Paul doesn't treat him as trusted, loving partner eg, shutting him out. Yet then Billy pays off his debts!
    The model ship building with George and Brian is a bit pathetic. Why didn't George take the entire kit round to his own house, where he had a lot more space?
    I'm wondering where the Little big shots story is heading and yes, it's about time Todd was given a love interest.
    I still don't really understand what the point was of the Sean and Laurence romance. Was it to say that Sean was unlucky in love again?

  2. Humpty Dumpty4 May 2023 at 17:15

    I've not invested in the Elaine character but I love Paula Wilcox, which is probably why she was brought in, attracting long-time fans of her generation. Similarly with Maureen Lipman, near enough the same age. I have a feeling that Elaine will need a medical for the life insurance policy whereupon she/Tim will insist that Stephen takes out a policy, as well. Wouldn't it be great poetic justice if Stephen died and Elaine was the beneficiary - of hardly anything which is when the truth will be revealed.

  3. Off topic, but where is Ryan staying now that he's out of hospital?


  4. Ryan is currently staying with Carla.

    The Paul story is annoying. What is the point of he and Billy indeed? Why does he feel the need to pay for everything, and didn't Billy already pay off his debt. What is going on in his head?
    I am really starting to warm to DeeDee. I would love to see her and Adam make a couple when he finds out what a jezebel Sarah is!! She deserves Damon.
    Ta ta Aaron...don't let the door his your tail on the way out. Must admit though, the guy who played his father could have been his real dad!
