Tuesday 4 April 2023

Coronation Street Episode Review Monday 3rd April


Tracy has used sellotape to put up her "The police are doing nothing about rape" flyers, leading them to be easily taken down by Aaron. Why she didn't use glue is odd, given that she has a pot of it for sticking herself to the police station counter. "I'm going to sort it out without beating anyone up," she says to Steve. Or indeed, hitting them over the head with a statuette. Tracy put the posters up anonymously but the grapevine is such in Weatherfield that Aaron being carted off in a cop car and Mary discovering the flyers in the florist printer (where she is printing off the names of florists in Germany for Abi because it's 1999 or something) leads everyone to put two and two together and make a rape case that's been dropped by the police because of insufficient evidence. Amy realises how stressed everyone is over the allegations and tells her parents that she must have made a mistake.
This is an upsetting storyline but is being brilliantly acted by Elle Mulvaney.


In breakfast news, Paul is upset that Deedee bought him a tea-cake. No doubt he'd be bawling his eyes out if she'd got him a pie and chips. He finds out that Deedee is paying for his job at the solicitors and gets all put out and then moves out, blah blah-ing about not being a charity case. This is as annoying as when Sean ended up homeless because he couldn't ask for help.

In Italian news, Brian has swapped his Newton and Ridleys for a Moretti, his hot pot for burrata and his cup of tea for a ristretto (I do feel that i need to point out that there are no coffee plantations in Italy. It's the roast that is Italian (or otherwise)). I'm enjoying this storyline because it's slightly ridiculous, will hopefully bring Mary and Brian together, and also enables me to mock my boyfriend who also claims Italian ancestry because someone on his family tree from the 19th century was called Giovanni. Anyway, Brian has given up all his pretensions until he finds out that he has an Italian cousin called Isabella. Mary thinks he's being catfished and Isabella is actually a big hairy man who'll drag Brian into the mafioso. Spin off DVD?!


In other family tree news, Miley meets Beth, Craig and Kirky and is shy and awkward around them. The clan Tinker would put anyone off. Faye is friendly with Jackson though and he seems like a decent chap (despite the fact he had sex with a 13 year old without using contraception). I presume the story of their relationship is going to run in tandem with Beth's no doubt upcoming fling with Marco.

By the way, I do hope Miley goes the way of most kids when they move countries and she loses that accent at some point.
Beth bought Miley a digital camera from the proceeds of the bonus she hasn't got yet. Stephen tries again to get Rotten Rufus to drop his dodgy share of the American deal to 15% but Rufus is having none of it. Stephen "The Art of the Deal" Reid is actually terrible at negotiation: he whines, he yells, he begs. Why doesn't he just call Rufus's bluff? Would the Underworld staff really believe that Stephen drugged Carla? I don't think so. He does see a way of killing two birds with one hole punch though and tells poor Elaine that he can't buy a flat with her because he doesn't have the money (although blames it once again on Gabrielle. That woman has been sorely wronged!).

RIP Bill Webster.

Rachel Stevenson - on twitter

All original work on Coronation Street Blog is covered by a Creative Commons License


  1. Miley does a bettet Canadian accent than Stephen does...what's wrong with the accent eh?

  2. So Aaron gets away with rape because his victim Amy doesn't want to hurt anyone feelings?
    A very disappointing ending to the storyline!

    1. Coronation Street is a very moral show. Aaron and Stephen will both pay for their crimes. Just wait and see. Even Pat Phelan got found out eventually.

  3. It had better not be the end if the rape story! Even though in real life many rapists get away with it for lack of evidence (he said, she said), this is a soap and Aaron must pay the price for his actions. What I'd really like is a supervised confrontation between Amy and Aaron, with him finally realising his guilt. That Amy was unconscious and unable to give consent. Didn't he notice that she wasn't exactly joining in?

  4. Gary has only been punished by being married to Maria

  5. Sharon boothroyd6 April 2023 at 12:40

    Perhaps Maria has been punished by being married to Gary. He's not exactly a saint.

  6. Gary's situation was a little different. He was about to be killed, and Gary killed in self defense. It's not exactly the same thing.
    Although I will agree that Gary and Maria deserve each other. lol
