Saturday 22 April 2023

Coronation Street Episode Review Friday 21 April 2023

For a few minutes this evening I thought that the great cull of excess cast characters had commenced.  Jackson plucked up the courage to invite Faye to join him in a wild new adventure in Slough.  In 1937 John Betjeman wrote of the town and conveyed to the world that it was a dump.  Those who have visited it recently like to think it has improved in the last 80+ years but to my mind it might suit Faye's character.  Never mind she is on a whirlwind ride of her own.  Craig has popped on his best suit, popped into the StreetCars office and popped the question to Tim (and Sally who was complaining about the shopping).  

Tim said that in reality it was nothing to do with him and that Craig had to ask Faye, so with a bit of help from Beth and Kirky (don't call me Kirky) there is a song (but no dancing) act - Glenda of course - and a gathering of people so that Craig can pop down one knee and pop the real question to Faye.  After at least 5 minutes, over the ad break, she remembers to accept the proposal.  Jackson is less amused and later tells Craig that Faye does not want to marry Craig and is about to run off to a wild new life with him and Miley in Slough.  Needless to say Craig is a little downcast and when he raises the subject with Faye she tells him that Jackson is confused and she does want to be engaged, although to be honest she does not seem that far over the moon - more pooped out with all the excitement of Slough - she does convince Craig that her heart is set on him and Weatherfield.  Meanwhile Beth and "Don't call me Kirky" Kirky are making no progress towards reconciliation, Beth is convinced it is over.  

Billy wants a holiday - he has a tax rebate (are tax rebates still a thing - I thought the HMRC sorted it as they went along for people with a single income) and is going to take Paul away somewhere warm.  Paul knows he cannot contribute financially and is still waiting on the hospital tests.  Billy later recants and offers to use the money to help reduce Paul's debt now and they have the rest of their lives to travel.  Meanwhile Paul hears he has to see the consultant on Wednesday next week.  Paul's hand is getting weaker every time he uses it.

Ryan is going to be well enough to go home this afternoon and is very depressed after a small girl sees his damaged face and almost screams the place down.  Daisy later updates Carla on events and Ryan finally admits defeat and turns his phone on again so he is no longer disconnected.  This enables Daisy  to decide to re-activate "pretend Crystal" from Ibiza and using an old phone starts sending cheering messages to Ryan.  They message back and forth and in wordless shots we see them both busy exchanging messages as "Crystal" is sending her messages from the beach.  

Eliza's school believes it is in her best interest to go elsewhere as she has no friends and she can get a new start and Stu thinks she will be a perfect fit at Oakhill, alma mater to Rosie Webster and at the affluent end of Weatherfield.  Eliza seems to be a grounded child with her head screwed on right - merely, as with all children (© Rishi Sunak), to be lacking a mathematical brain so gets some help from Sam.  A gentle word Sam, by the way- your girlfriend Hope has a canny way with matches and you really ought to clear it with her before you assist any other member of the gentler sex or you might both encounter an early bonfire.  After much toing and froing it seems that Oakhill is off the agenda and Weatherfield High is a far more attractive destination - which is odd because as I recall there were no spaces when Max wanted to return to the school.  

Nina is 21 tomorrow (Monday I assume) and Asha and Amy plan a birthday bash.  Aaron gets the impression that he would be welcome but Nina eventually tells him that Amy would not be happy if he shows his face and so he agrees not to attend.  Everyone else is chipping in a tenner for the party and Aaron tells Asha to keep his contribution.  This is later relayed to Amy and Aadi assures her that Aaron would not want to make her and Summer uncomfortable.  Amy has a completely different view of Aaron and neither Asha or Aadi understand why she rushes away.

Amongst other news Simon is no longer resident on the Street (we have hardly seen him for months) and is living with friends - hence the spare bedroom in the flat over StreetCars - do we know what Simon is doing for income?  Is he officially a non-character?  

Hope reckons that she and Beth are now even and I am not sure quite how a clip round the ear equates with a ruined relationship - but Beth did contribute to her own downfall.  And Tim should take the shopping list instead of relying on his memory!  Next week will be busy - Faye has to sort out Jackson without kissing him, Paul has to hear some distinctly unpleasant news and Nina will have a party - will Aaron actually stay away?

Written by Mark Burt and directed by Becky Wild.


All original work on Coronation Street Blog is covered by a Creative Commons License


  1. Jeanie (anon): I don't know that I have ever seen such a collection of bleak, grim, or misery-laden story lines. Currently, three women cheating on three very decent blokes. And not even for much reason, apart from maybe Faye. Paul--it's not enough that he has a condition that will end his life in the most terrible fashion, he is now turning to crime and will almost certainly be brought in by the police. He was abused as a boy, imprisoned as a teen, and now, after reuniting with Billy, destined to die young and painfully! Ryan terribly burned and disfigured, pleading tearfully not to have undergo the agony of another skin graft. Harrowing. Daisy struggling with trauma and survivor's guilt. Serial killer Stephen running amok. Jenny losing Leo. Carla tormented by LSD poisoning. Amy dealing with rape trauma. Alya recuperating from being stabbed in the stomach. Leanne and Nick tormented by financial woes and a drug dealer. Summer just having escaped kidnapping and brainwashing. Max beaten up in prison. Roy developing a heart condition. Evelyn losing her dog.Eliza bullied because her mother is in prison....I mean seriously how much misery do the writers and producer think we need?! I'm getting pretty sick of it.

  2. I agree to anons above comment. I have been watching for years and never have I had so little interest in the show. My goodness this is just a horror show. Nothing to incite a person to watch,I face I think I will pull the plug,if a program doesn’t in some way entertain and uplift you during the dreary reality we all live with ,then what’s the use of watching it? it is the worst I have seen it for terrible, boring non inspiring storylines.
