Tuesday 11 April 2023

Coronation Street Episode Monday 10th April


Sarah's got a thing for brunettes, hasn't she? Todd, Jason, Adam and now Dastardly Damon. Gary is not dark-haired but he is brooding and brylcreemed, like her current crush. Through a series of misadventures, she ends up at Chariot Square with Damon and, after a business meeting that he helps with, they have a spot of afternoon delight in a hotel room. By the way, does anyone else think Damon's way of chatting up Sarah by betting that they'd sleep together was a bit crass? Not betting that they'd kiss or betting she'd one day fancy him. Seems a bit Aaron-y to me. Anyway, she says it was a one off, he says he's fallen for her but he's going to prison - until the cliffhanger whereby Adam and Deedee (resplendent today in a puce jumpsuit) reckon they've found something that'll get him off.


Sarah maybe wearing her lucky salmon power suit, but Glenda's wearing her lucky boxer shorts as Poundshop Kate O'Mara offers her the Weatherfield franchise of Little Big Shotz for a discounted £5K, which George pays. I really wanted Glenda to have a good storyline and I do hope this is it and Eileen is wrong about Kate Estelle, that she's not out to rip off Our Glenda. I also hope she ropes in some of the kids from the street - Joseph singing Any Dream Will Do, the quads performing as a barber shop quartet, Hope doing a soft shoe shuffle. 


The world's worst mockney Rufus mocks Stephen during a meeting with him and Michael by pretending he doesn't know anything about Stephen's shenanigans re: the American deal and then demands 50% of the Nippersnapper profits rather than the agreed 25%. Rufus, there's a hole punch with your name on it! He later goes behind Stephen's back and offers a job in London to Michael. Run, Michael, run! Before Stephen decides to kill you for bringing him tea rather than coffee or stealing his stapler! (Or more likely gets arrested by Weatherfield PD in yet another miscarriage of justice).


It's a good job Roy made up with Melvin before the Easter Monday bat-watch as Melvin gets one line and promptly dies (off-camera) leaving Roy to look after his cute dog. Roy approaches Evelyn for advice re: the doggy and this feels like it's going to being them closer together. I'm totally  here for a Roy-Evelyn (Revelyn) romance. As an aside, I love that there's a massive picture of Cerberus on the wall at number 9 in between much smaller photos of the Fizrone wedding.

Rachel Stevenson - on twitter

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  1. Of course Sarah will be pregnant after her one night stand with Damon, followed by her guilt sleeping with Adam and another who's the father story line will be launched.

  2. Recently in Canada,there was a nice scene with Adam and Sarah being a happy married couple so it's a shame that she decides to cheat on her husband with another drug dealer?!
    In light of the news of Peter Ash[Paul]getting the axe,I think the producers should have axed Tina O'brien instead if all they can think up is a sordid affair for Sarah.
    I also wonder if Peter Ash's character's last name was Platt would he still ahve been axed as it seems the actors whose characters are members of either the Platt and the Barlow families are protected from getting the axe.

  3. I think it is Monica rather than Cerebus on the wall.
