Sunday 12 February 2023

Coronation Street Episode review Friday 10 February 2023

Good evening.  In Weatherfield we know that raised voices and argy-bargy are confined to lesser soaps situated in the south, so it was disappointing this evening when we opened with Beth sounding off at Michael because the overlocker was overloaded and stuck.  From then on I felt that we were slowly sinking into an undignified morass in the underground sewer.  Beth had worked the night to stitch up the designs Michael had put together to get an order from Rufus of Donahues.  It did not take much for Carla to cotton and silk on to the misuse of her machines and her employees using designs created when Michael worked for her and were therefore her copyright.  And of course everyone in the industry knows everyone else so she soon extracted the rug from under the feet of the helpless deserters (with Adam in attendance providing legal advice) plus nailing Uncle Stephen as one of the conspirators.  If Stephen had a rifle Carla would be in the crosshairs awaiting her just desserts.

There is a sidelight to this story as Adam (he of the ever changing hairstyle) has decided now would be a good time to once again ask Sarah to have a baby.  The poor lass has no income and is desperately trying to get a new business into action.  I realise the clock is ticking but there may be good reasons why Sarah does not consider this her highest priority (Harry is now almost 7 which takes some believing!).

Roy never wanted a mobile phone because he can see how every one else is addicted to the little people who live inside them - I can't get enough of the team who live on Twitter trying to tell me white is black or vice versa.  I just wish they would post more about cats.  Nina reckons that Roy needs weaning off his addiction and makes him handover his phone until the end of his shift.  He complies but instantly resumes looking at messages when the phone is returned.  Nina extracts a promise from Roy that he will not look at it as much - but I fear that he is obsessed with the little phone pixies.

Nick, as predicted by Hope, seeks to mend bridges with Sam by buying his a present.  Too transparent Nick and even worse Leanne has rejigged the shifts so that they are not on duty at the same time - so that might just be on the rocks again.  Borrowing money from Harvey was never going to end well now was it?  The other fall out from Damon getting locked up was that Dee Dee got stood up.  She appears rather surprised when she visits the Bistro looking for her missing date and finds that he is a known drug dealer and I wonder if this will simply be the first in a long line of getting involved with the wrong people?

Peter continues to try trading up having got to a tablet - which apparently has a broken screen so trading up to a motorcycle looks a long way off.  Carla is keen to end the bet and get her hands on a new jacket but Peter is not giving up yet.  He tries to flog the tablet to Ruby but she can spot the screen is cracked at 500 yards.  

Laurence has a very unhappy back story with a dead wife and an affair with Mitch which ended after his wife's death.  Alongside that he is very keen on revisiting the same place in Switzerland where his wife died.  He admits to Sean that they are off to tramp the Alps (Sean does not strike me as an Alp tramper) and feels that Laurence can only want to take him there to kill him.  Laurence inevitably takes offence at his typecasting as a partner-killer and decides that it is all over with Sean.  The gold nugget in this parting is the subsequent discussion with Dylan, Eileen and Todd where Dylan excels himself by offering to be horrible to his father.  Dylan then goes a step further suggesting that Laurence did in fact kill his wife Linds and his actions with Sean were to ensure the law does not catch up with him.  Sean forgives them all and Dylan remarks that there is plenty more fish in the sea but Sean observes he is using the wrong bait.

So Laurence follows Damon into the world beyond Weatherfield.  Stephen has fallen through the iceberg of Carla.  A broken tablet has no trade up value and Adam wants a baby.  I predict that at some point Nick, Leanne and Sam will make it up - but not for a while.  

Written by Jonathan Harvey and directed by Gill Wilkinson


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