Wednesday 25 January 2023

Preview of tonight's Coronation Street - Wednesday 25 January 2023

Wednesday 25th January

MAX’S WORDS HAVE DEVASTATING CONSEQUENCES Daryan calls in the cafĂ© with some flyers promoting the refugee drop-in session at Speed Daal and suggests to Max he might like to join them.  Max is disparaging and stalks out. David prepares tea, oblivious to Max on his phone, listening to Blake outside Speed Daal delivering a racist rant and promising to put a stop to the drop-in session. As Blake heads into Speed Daal, secretly filming himself, it’s clear his target is Maria. Maria delivers her speech, welcoming the refugees and offering them support. Will Max tell anyone what Blake is up to?

EVELYN KEEPS A CLOSE EYE ON TYRONE. Telling Evelyn that she’s off to stay with her Mum, Fiz heads out. Evelyn’s concerned when Tyrone fails to kiss Fiz goodbye. When Evelyn clocks Tyrone, suited and booted, climbing into a car, she’s convinced he’s about to embark on another affair and tells Roy to fire up the Woody as they need to put a stop to his caper. Having followed Tyrone to a hotel bar, Evelyn and Roy watch as a blonde lady parks herself at Tyrone’s table and he squeezes her thigh. Evelyn’s horrified.

CARLA HUMILIATES STEPHEN In the shop, Stephen tells Elaine that she should receive his first repayment today and he’d like to buy her dinner as he’s aware he’s neglected her recently. Carla orders Stephen to help Kirk out in packing. Stephen’s fuming. Stephen comes face to face with an old business associate, Dick Havisham. When Carla explains that Stephen’s helping out in packing, Stephen’s utterly humiliated.

DAISY HAS DOUBLE TROUBLE Daisy receives a box of chocolates with a note saying “Sorry!” and assumes they’re from her Mum. When Justin approaches and reveals that he sent the chocolates, Daisy’s shocked. Christina reckons she should be flattered, leaving Daisy annoyed. When Daisy spells it out that she doesn’t want her at the wedding, Christina’s shocked. 

ELSEWHERE Gemma shows India, a potential client, around No.5, but it’s soon clear that she’s not happy with Gemma’s lack of childcare qualifications. Gemma’s disappointed. A despondent Gemma calls at the kebab shop and tells Chesney that her childcare plans are dead in the water as she lacks all the necessary qualifications.

Glenda Young
Twitter: @Flaming_Nora
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