Friday 20 January 2023

Coronation Street Episode Review, Wednesday 18th January, 8 pm

Tonight's Corrie picked up where Fridays left off (as you'd expect) so that's where tonight's review will start! 

Summer’s still in a hospital bed, and she gets visited by Mike, who has told the police about the surrogacy fraud, who threatens her just as Todd and Paul walk in. Mike makes a speedy exit in his car, with Todd and Paul soon in pursuit in his work van. Paul (the macho one in the three Dad group) obviously wants physical revenge, and he ends up pushing Mike over, who is soon pavement planking, visibly unconscious. 

Todd calls an ambulance with the boys fleeing the scene. Billy arrives at the hospital to see Summer, who tells him about Mike's reappearance and Paul’s temper. Summer tells Billy she was wrong about the whole surrogacy idea. Billy promises to sort out Paul and Todd, who have left the crime scene, gone for a pint, and have a heart-to-heart about Paul’s past and his love for Billy. Later, the police track down Ed’s van, and Paul, who they suspect of assault. Todd carries the can and Billy then appears, just as Todd is being arrested.

Following the near drug bust, the Bistro is dead tonight, and part-owner Damon promises to start a promotion to get customers in the door. Nick is still worried about his dodgy background, so he asks Ryan to dig some Ibiza dirt. Ryan warns Nick to be careful as his suspicions are confirmed. Confronting Damon with the truth, Nick tells him he knows everything, only for the dodgy drug dealer to announce that he will continue to flood the place with drugs. Threatening to tell Leanne everything and unleash ultra-violence, Nick has no choice but to agree to the deal and tries to warn Damon off of charming Leanne. 

Daisy’s still full-steam ahead on wedding planning, and Daniel (although still looking doubtful) is disgruntled at her social-media-led guest list and decides to track down a few of her old-school friends for the party. Daisy's not best pleased by his surprise and explains that her upset was more to do with her little brother dying. Jenny is somewhat miffed at the top-table arrangements, but I’m far more interested in the Rovers landlady falling under Stephen's spell. At the Rovers tonight, Stephen and Teddy seem to be pals all of a sudden after he breezily blows off Elaine (who is correct about The Beatles, by the way) Jenny joins them, and the trio is soon in the backroom, trying to un-pick Teddy's pre-accident flashbacks. Decamped to the Bistro, Elaine appears to have still not got Stephen’s message, but Teddy certainly gets through to him when he decides to head back to Canada to track down Leo. 

Elsewhere, Ches and Gemma discuss Hope’s latest misadventure with Fiz and Ty, which gives Tyrone some food-for-thought, when Ches reminisces over his support from great Dane dog, Schmeichel. Taking the girls to the pet shop, they soon return with a chinchilla called Cilla! Cheered up by all this, Hope decides she now wants to become a Dobbs!

What did you think of tonight’s Corrie? Let us know in the comments box. 

I am @rybazoxo your Corrie connoisseur and cobbles superfan 

All original work on Coronation Street Blog is covered by a Creative Commons License

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