Tuesday 24 January 2023

Coronation Street Episode Review Monday 23rd January


Stephen doesn't have much luck with cars does he? First it was his Volvo breaking down and his anger towards Kevin for not fixing it, which first showed us the nasty side of Stevie-boy. Then his car was towed. Audrey reclaims her car just as Stephen has stowed Teddy's body in its roof rack and then when he manages to get it back, it won't start and David ends up taking it to Freshcos to buy wood chips. When he finally gets it back and tries to dump the body in the canal (hasn't that poor stretch of waterway suffered enough?), the roof box won't sink. It does eventually go down, but what's gonna happen in the summer drought? Stephen must be the most hapless criminal since John Stape. 

He has a secondary problem: the CCTV in the factory has footage of the hole-punch murder. Sarah, worried about Carla seeing her meeting with potential buyers last Friday, tells him how to delete it, but Carla works out what's been going on anyway via the clue of a label found on the floor. Carla should join Weatherfield PD, especially considering a) they took Craig on and b) the other police officers there are hardly much better.


In stalker news, we finally find out who's been sending Daisy flowers. He's revealed to be the man whose mum has breast cancer from the hospital and he's half crazy all for the love of Ms Midgely. To be honest, with those eyes, cheekbones and sexy Scottish accent, he could stalk me anytime, but he'd have to make his hair less creepy. I'm not sure if that's the end of the story or whether were getting a full blown stalker storyline (didn't they already do that with Michelle?). What is the beginning of a new story is that Daisy's mum's found out about the wedding and has rocked up from a houseboat in Holland in time for the nuptials - or rather, four months early. There is beef with Jenny Bradley Connor (never Midgely) and Christina and I'm very much hoping for more of this, rather than Daisy pouting because Daniel prefers to read Bleak House than take her to a karaoke bar in town, or whatever.

By the way, when is Glenda going to get a storyline of her own rather than just hanging around Daisy's?

The Winter/Brown family at home in Corrie

Talking of beef, Dev donates some to Chesney who makes a burger for Gemma. Served on a board with chips in a cup and ketchup in a tiny jar, Ches should really be working at the Bistro. He says he dreams of opening a burger place (Chez Ches?) - surely Zeedan could sell him the food truck? If he ever comes back to wherever he's gone, anyway.

And finally, in sex news, Fiz confesses to Sally that her and Tyrone's sex life is a bit mechanical. Well, he is a mechanic, hun. Sally suggests role play but Fiz says she can't see Tyrone as a pilot. Me neither. Farmhand maybe or telesales caller. Sally offers a rummage in her and Tim's dressing up box ("it's all been washed!") but Fiz demurs. Evelyn warns Ty not to seek solace in the arms of a Romanian. What about a Hungarian? Latvian?

Rachel Stevenson - on twitter

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  1. Seriously?! How is stephen going to explain the missing car roof box. Didn't anyone notice there were no missing sewing machines gone "for repair"? How has he not imploded from the stress of it all? Meanwhile the humour of it all has been fun.

  2. Sharon boothroyd26 January 2023 at 14:17

    I think Zeedan is one of those characters who will fade out in the background.
    It's a pity, as I thought he offered a lot of scope.
    I can see Brian developing a major crush in Glenda, and she being amused, yet flattered by his attention.
    There's isn't many scenes in the cabin now. Yet with Valentine's day, you'd think folk would be popping in for cards.
