Monday 23 January 2023

Coronation Street Episode Review Friday 20 January 2023

I thought we might start with the good news of the day.  Esther has convinced Mike to withdraw his statement to the police about Paul smacking him one, and as a result Todd is off the hook.  Confused?  Todd had a revelation about the way his behaviour had ended Paul and Billy's relationship and he decided to take the blame for Paul's actions on the grounds that, unlike Paul, he would not get sent down. Of course George is unaware of Todd's unexpected self-awareness (I have doubts it will last) and as he was unable to assist with a funeral George sacks Todd. Paul explains to George that Todd had done a "good thing" (!) and the sacking is reversed.  

Did I mention good news?  Now I can tell you - Summer has realised that the last few months she has behaved very badly and is going to re-apply to University and will be departing at some point and luckily the deadline for UCAS submission is 25 January so she has 5 days to get the personal statement written again!

Surprise of the day was that Michael had £60 (cash - who has cash these days - must be dodgy) to give Gemma to mind Glory for the day - apparently that is what he paid the previous child-minder for a full day.  And we saw all 4 quads (I feel for the team!). Gemma is a little taken aback and goes online to research childminding and reckons adding a couple to the brood would not be difficult. In the UK childminders have to be properly registered and insured plus there are H&S inspections and requirements - Gemma may have more costs than she anticipates.

With the ending of covid filming restrictions we are seeing some factory scenes - today's was Sal contemplating introducing some Japanese culture to her garden in the form of a pond and koi carp - and the cross chat was fun!  Less fun was Cilla the chinchilla making unusual noises in the middle of the night keeping Fiz awake all night.  

In another scene later the most unusual event of the day - the Jennings knicker contract was finished early and Stephen sent everyone home early! This is because Stephen has agreed that Sarah Lou and Michael can use it as part of a pitch to a customer. Fiz hurries out of the door and into the garage to collect Ty for an afternoon of delight - until they arrive home and the smell emanating from the chinchilla cage rapidly terminates all romantic thoughts - they have to clean out the cage. Other matters remain unconsummated.

Teddy decides he is well enough to go back to Canada but Stephen takes him for a farewell coffee in Roy's Rolls, whilst back in the Rovers Jenny overhears Elaine telling Tim about the money she has loaned Stephen and that now he does not want to spend any time with her and she thinks she has got it all wrong with men again.  Jenny starts adding things up. Stephen tries to convince Teddy that it is not worth him going to Canada - Leo will still not want to know him.  Billy has been listening and in the most generous offering today he gives some spiritual guidance - talking about the phone messages that were made when Teddy was in hospital and using the "find a phone" app to find Summer recently.  At which point Teddy is startled and "remembers".  

Teddy catches up with Stephen and they go into Underworld for Teddy to reveal he knows the messages from Leo were sent in Weatherfield and that he could not find Leo in Canada. Once inside Teddy will not stop asking questions and Stephen in exasperation picks up the hole punch and twats him.  My first thought was of the huge number of Health and Safety policies which now need re-writing given that a hole punch is a murderous weapon as - poor Teddy is as dead as Leo.

At the Rovers, Daisy receives another bouquet of flowers from Justin and feels that this is one too many given her earlier attempts to discourage him. A disgruntled, sacked, slightly inebriated Todd applies his mental powers and using Daisy's phone posts a "takedown" on the DJ's "socials" (no I have no idea either - far too old).  Apparently they call out his creepy behaviour. The DJ then arrives in the Rovers and demands an explanation. Apparently his name is Keith Martin Ramsbottom and he has not sent any flowers. Much embarrassment and the take down is taken down. George appears and Todd is back on the payroll.  Daniel accuses Daisy of being a flirt and she has to admit it.  However the mystery is that she does not know who Justin is.  Daniel is actually more worried that she did not tell him about the flowers and she has no idea who it might be most ignorant moment of the day!

Audrey is looking for Stephen as she is off to see Bev in the Peak district and needs her car.  Meanwhile Michael turns up the factory and Stephen gives him the hole punch so that he can prepare for the client.  With Michael sent on his way, Stephan gets the roof box from Audrey's car and is trying to lift it into the car - when spotted by Abi, Kev and Tim who eventually help him lift the box back on the roof - it is very heavy because it has a number of broken sewing machines in it going for repair.  Tim warns Stephen off messing Elaine around.  Jenny then appears with Audrey's message and she also wants a chat.  Jenny thinks that Stephen is stealing the sewing machines but eventually accepts he is taking them for repair.  Stephen denies there is a "spark" with Elaine and Jenny says she is available as a friend if he needs one (and more obviously).  By the time Stephen gets back to Audrey's car it has gone as Sarah knew where it was parked.  Leaving Stephen staring at empty space.

And that is Friday night.  So how will Gemma cope with six children?  Will the roof box make it back from the Peaks in place?  Will Cilla continue to prevent marital relations?  Will Justin send more flowers?  Will the H&S manual on hole punches get re-written?  Will Summer write her personal statement?  All this and more in next week's Coronation Street.

Written by Ellen Taylor and directed by Ian Barber


All original work on Coronation Street Blog is covered by a Creative Commons License


  1. As a Canadian viewer, just learning that Summer wants to go to University (again) I live in hope that she goes, hopefully, far, far away.

  2. Some of the worst acting ive ever seen. Stephen looked and sounded constipated and that awful growling noise he makes

  3. I am so over whiny Summer, I hope she writes a brilliant personal statement about lying, cheating, surrogacy and diabetes, and is accepted into university so she leaves. Too much Summer-time can be a bad thing.

  4. Please don't tease... say goodbye to summer. Worst character ever besides Steven.
