Wednesday 14 December 2022

Weatherfield Precinct Exclusive! - Corrie Blog Chat with Colson Smith

Wandering around the new Weatherfield Precinct set, I must have taken countless photos, a lot of the new set, and having a free pass to roam this brand-new two-storey building, we did just that. Stood on the balcony and admiring the view of the new playground, the shops, and the beautiful mural/recycle bin combo, I spied Colson Smith (Craig Tinker) presenting the Coronation Street social media video. A tall figure in real life, and considering I'd just visited Weatherfield Police Station, I envisaged Craig being quite imposing when making those numerous arrests on the show. 

Aside from the countless other media interviews he appeared to do, we managed to grab Colson for a quick chat about this new area of Weatherfield, Craig's favourite shop, and if he will be making any arrests on this precinct in future.

What do you think of the new set? 

Really exciting! they've been watering it down to see where the puddles land. It’s mad, isn't it? As viewers, we’ve already imagined what this looks like, only now do we see it. The stories are already being written, and we do a good job of making brand-new things look old! They've tarmacked it, there’s graffiti everywhere (that's those murals), and it's got that Weatherfield look to it - very weathered! We never had that space at Granada, but here, we've had two extensions in five years. It still has that feel, that it's in Weatherfield, and when a character takes over a shop or a unit, it will feel like part of the show. 

Craig Tinker likes Sweety Nuff! on Weatherfield Precinct

What would Craig’s favourite shop be? 

Sweety Nuff - definitely. Although he would have spent his younger days in the bakery. It's got that ginnel as well, which means crime, it has to be good news for Craig. I imagine this has always been a part of his beat -it will be interesting to see what happens. It's also a good set in having that bit of cover (under the balcony) as a lot of the time, filming outdoors, we are constantly exposed to the Manchester weather! 

Inside Weatherfield Cop Shop! Image @rybazoxo

Spider is currently an undercover policeman. How do you think Craig would manage undercover? 

Would he be good or bad? Knowing Craig, I doubt he would be the best undercover cop in the world. -I would love to see it, though! There is room to get him out of the uniform and into plain clothes. It could not be on the street as everyone knows him!


Thank you Colson for chatting with the Corrie blog. Keep following us for more Weatherfield precinct content, fan chat, and my 'behind-the-scenes' bonus blog post coming soon. 

I am @rybazoxo your Coronation Street blogger and Cobbles conossieur. Thank you @sophie_writer1 for asking the questions. 

Please keep following the blog for more Weatherfield Precinct content, over Christmas and into 2023. 

All original work on Coronation Street Blog is covered by a Creative Commons License

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