Tuesday 20 December 2022

Coronation Street Episode Review Monday 19th December

It's all about the money, money, money on tonight's ep.

max turner david platt, coronation street

Exhibit A: David inveigling Shona into giving him free coffees in the caff before Roy comes down in the morning, to save on coffee usage at the Barbers. That isn't David's main concern tonight though as he discovers Max is off on a Hitler Youth camping trip. He tries to ban Max from going, but Max is determined - he says he wants to be with his tribe (the Aryan one?). David should just let him go: a few nights shivering in the snow in a field with no toilet on the wrong side of the Pennines would soon convince most people that a life of racism is not for them.

spider nugent, griff, coronation street

Meanwhile (and this is Exhibit B), Ghastly Griff approaches his backer to rinse him for more funds. I'm not sure what Griff is spending the money on apart from  Freshco's value lager and a good internet connection. Oh and the mystery backer turns out to be none other than Maria's nemesis, the bearded councillor. I guess he could say it's grant funding for a grassroots community organisation when he is investigated - and he will be when Maria gets her derrière into gear.

Jacob and Damon in Coronation Street

Exhibit C: Jay-kub's papa from the last ep, Damon, tries to bribe his way back into his son's good books, but Jacob is having none of it. Amy is though and she persuades her boyf to meet his dad in the Bistro for cocktails and nibbles. It is revealed that Harvey is Damon's brother, (which I guess makes Jacob Sharon Gaskell's great nephew?) and after Jacob tells him that Harvey beat him up, Damon repays the favour as Harvey is attacked in prison. More is to come as he reveals himself to be Nick's new business partner by way of the money Nick took from Harvey for the dry rot repairs. This could be fun. I mean, probably not for Nick 'n' Leanne.

Exhibit D: George says he got a good deal on the sofa he is ordering for Eileen's Christmas present, after the coffin debacle of last year. Jenny, channelling Colin and Cathy from Two Door Down, says it's going to make the rest of Eileen's home furnishings look like tat. Rude!

And some storylines that are nothing to do with money: Man without a storyline, Adam, shows Daisy Daniel's (unpublished) article about how he found love again after loss and after this and Danny-boy promising to change his self-centred ways, Double D reconcile.

And finally, Billy and Paul report Summer as a missing person to the police who say that because Summer is an adult, they will not be able to reveal her location to her three dads if and when she is found. So, we're finally getting a Summer break!? It's a Christmas miracle!

Have a great Christmas and see you back here on Boxing Day.

Rachel Stevenson - on twitter

All original work on Coronation Street Blog is covered by a Creative Commons License


  1. Summer's storyline has to end somehow. Maybe she'll end up living rough after she's thrown out because her body refuses to keep to the arrangement. Mike and Esther don't get their money back because they won't have a case. Can she please go travelling to get over the trauma?

  2. Thank heaven for Summer break

  3. Sorry to be pedantic but why is Daniel's piece classed as an article? I thought an article meant an interview and photos package, aimed at a specific sector.
    This is a personal memoir that deals with a private loss and grief.
    As it doesn't cover news, sport or features, I can't honestly see why a local rag would be interested in it, no matter how well written it is. ok it's human interest but it's not different enough to capture a general reader's curiosity.
    I don't feel they'd pay him for it, either.
    They'd be more interested in Bethany, as a local girl, and her successful mag piece.
    Daniel's would suit a bereavement charity's website or their magazine (if they have one). Both markets wouldn't pay him.
    I would have thought Daniel would have realised this.
    But of course, this is Corrie, and no doubt The Ed of The Weathefield Gazette will be blown way by it and he'll be offered a job as a reporter on the spot!

  4. Can someone please tell me what it is daniel osbourne does for a job?

  5. All too true Sharon. It's not the real world. Why does Carla suddenly have a vacancy at the faktri for Simon?
