Tuesday 27 December 2022

Coronation Street Episode Review Boxing Day

Paddy Bever as Max in Coronation Street

 It's turkey sarnies all round on the street as the residents recover from their Christmases. Even though Chrimbo on t'cobbles was quite a gentle one (i.e. no-one got murdered), we do need some family arguments to make us feel better about our own relatives. They may be a pain but at least they haven't joined a white supremacist cult like Max has. He decides to move out of number 8 into the bunker Griff's flat. To be honest, once Griff's made Max stay up all night making swastikas and Griff's waited 45 minutes to get into the bathroom because Max is squeeing his zits, these two might get fed up of one another. Oh and when is Shona/Julia going to be allowed to go on maternity leave? Her waters will be breaking whilst serving a breakfast bacon barm to Tyrone at this rate.

stephen reid, coronation street

And at least none of my relations is a murderous liar. Elaine points out that it's the feast of St Stephen, the Christian martyr who was stoned to death. We can only hope the same happens to his namesake. D.I. Gail is on the case when she realises that her half-brother has re-gifted his pressie from Elaine to David and she questions Stephen, who gets out of it again when Elaine regurgitates his lie about Gabrielle coercive controlling him.

Laurence and Sean talking outside the pub and Todd in Corrie

Over at the Grimshaw's, Laurence fails to get Sean to go for a walk whilst Todd glowers jealously. It's not like Todd likes fresh air either, apart from those three years he spent on the run living in a wood. He does persuade him to go to the peak district though so off they pop. Laurence, you're too good for Sean.

At the Stape-Dobbs's (soon to be just the Dobbs's), Fiz is surprisingly chill with Tyrone a) buying her a wedding as a Christmas present and b) letting her almost get stuck in the {shudder} countryside on a poultry run. What happened to the turkey by the way? Can they still go pick it up? Less chill is Hope, who is getting to know her dad through the medium of Eng Lit study guides. She's going to know a lot about Jane Austen by the end of this. She confides in Sam and they bond over dead parents.

Oh and there were also some shenanigans with Double D as Daniel got all sulky about taking part in Daisy's social media offensive and then changed his mind because she did a breast cancer awareness post. Much of a muchness with these two then.

And that's about it - hopefully border control strikes won't affect Audrey and Eileen's trips!

Rachel Stevenson - on twitter

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