Tuesday 25 October 2022

Coronation Street Episode Review Monday 24th October

It's Monday night - let battle commence!


The first battle is between Stephen in the (blood-)red corner and Teddy/Jenny in the blue, although they have no idea that they're in a fight. Stephen manages to get a meaningful date (the birthday of Leo's mum, who is a) dead and b) younger than Jenny - any idea why he went for an older woman?) to unlock Leo's phone and sends Ted 'n' Jen (who have stopped arguing and are now an investigative duo) photos of them going to the Bistro with the assumption that they're on a date and the message "don't contact me again".

This seems dumb to me. If I had murdered a man in a bin, I would send something like "sorry i left without saying goodbye but i knew it couldn't work out between us. I don't regret the time we had and will always cherish it, but for now i need a clean break so pse don't contact me xx" to Jenny and "Sorry dad for not having been in touch and for missing mum's anniversary last week. I've had trouble sorting out my phone contact which is why i haven't been in touch. Start work next month so likely to be busy so soz in advance if i'm not that available." Then assuming Leo has Facebook (or FriendConnect) on his phone, I'd fake a picture with him with a mountie or a big lake or something and post a "Hi guys, having a super time in Canada - eh?" kind of thing.

I would make a much better murderer than Stephen. Anyway, Teddy sends a message saying he's coming to see him so Stephen says Leo is going off grid then destroys the phone in the ginnel.


The next fight is between Summer and Billy. Summer and her bf, Misery-Loves-Company, go see Dr Gaddas about accessing an abortion (unfortunately off screen, we'd all like to see more of Dr G, wouldn't we?), which upsets Billy as he only believes in abortion if it's going to affect the health of the mother. Excuse moi if I'm wrong but I do believe having diabetes can affect the health of the mother and also the baby? Anyhoo, Summer does her stomping off thing, Todd gets mad with Billy and he then agrees to support her whatever she chooses. Here's an idea for Summer: why not talk to her good friend Amy (remember her) about unwanted teenage pregnancy? Oh and also the creepy Christian woman (CCW) gets involved and tries to talk her out of it. Why doesn't CCW and creepy Christian husband go down the fostering route? I believe there's a silent but cute 5 year old named Elsie looking for a loving home.


Then it's Daniel vs Daisy's desire not to live with reminders of Sinead everywhere. She suggests she does a flat makeover but Daniel says "It stays like it is". It's hardly an attractive offer to move in, is it. Adam, who is looking more and more like he leaves horses heads in people's beds, has a word with them both and they make up, and discuss living somewhere other than the flat, although I think they're talking about different things.

Bernie vs Fernie next as she tries without success to find the con-woman's address. Dev helps her look through the recycling, although Aadi and Asha refuse to and then are pretty annoyed when Dev invites his paramour to move in. 


And finally, the comedy storyline is blunt force trauma to the head and brain injury. Eileen bumps into Gail, slips on some pumpkins and ends up in Kate Oates Memorial Hospital with concussion and a personality transplant, i.e. she's now nice. TBH, I think she had very good reason to be annoyed with: her adult son who's way too old to be living with her, her boyfriend, who has a house of his own, her lodger who's just moved his teenaged lad in with them and Glenda who seems to have acquired a key, making an absolute tip of her front room. Kick them all out, Ei!

Rachel Stevenson - on twitter

All original work on Coronation Street Blog is covered by a Creative Commons License


  1. Once they open an investigation into Leo's 'disappearance' the police will notice that the text was sent from within the UK.
    Stephen's not that smart.

  2. They've turned Gail into an idiot again. No way would she walk down the street focused on her phone and not looking where she's going. That's what kids do. Plus why does she have a takeaway coffee when she could make one at home?
    And yes, Eileen had every right to be angry about the state of her house. The storyline about personality changes after a head injury or stroke shouldn't be played fot laughs either. Hugely distressing for all concerned.

  3. Shona's brain injury was played for laughs.

  4. Nick's was forgotten
