Sunday 30 October 2022

Coronation Street Episode Review, Friday 28 October 2022

As we know, Griff may or may not be a right-on activist but he certainly has some seedy-looking friends who are all going to a gig.  Peter has been hanging around with Griff and Spider (much to Carla's annoyance) in recent weeks and thinking that the band may remind him of his youth he decides to go with them.  Meanwhile, on Wednesday, Spider got Toyah to accept that this was a boys-only event and she is looking after some children, but he also manages to tell Carla that Peter is not on an airport run but is attending the gig.  

Peter leaves the gig early once he hears the overtly racist lyrics - much to the anger of Griff and co.  Spider is in a bind.  He leaves with Peter overtly to calm him down and to avoid police intervention.  More seriously he knows Peter will tell Toyah about the band's views and Spider seeks to pretend he could not hear the words due to audio distortion. She is not sure that she believes him. Meanwhile Spider's police handler calls him Geoff and assures him that something is going down soon with Griff and Geoff need to report on it.  So Spider returns to Griff and Co and blags that he had to take action to ensure his sex life did not dry up - an explanation they just about accept.  But he looks worried.

And there is a huge moving day happening. Daniel and Bertie think they are moving into the Rovers with Daisy allowing Daniel to rent out his room above Dev's to Dee Dee who arrives pays the deposit and rent to Daniel, which he promptly spends and then starts teaching Paul to dance.  Daisy thinks she is moving into Daniel's house with Daniel and Bertie as his tenants have departed.  She does not know that Daniel is doing his bit for refugees who have been advertising at play group for somewhere to stay - so he is getting no income at present.  Daisy finds an instant taker for her room in the ever wonderful Glenda (no not R'Glenda - the one on Corrie) who needs to abandon the cockroaches so delights in telling her landlord where he can put the cockroaches.  Daisy and Daniel meet each other outside Number One each carrying boxes in the other direction and daylight dawns on the complete mix up.  

Darling Ken (above) offers them refuge as apparently Amy and Jacob have moved out in a story I must have missed. Initially they refuse but their replacements (Dee Dee and Glenda) refuse to relinquish their new pads and Tracy has talked Ken and Steve into accepting the new tenants providing they pony up for the household costs.  Within minutes of moving in Daisy is trying to get an extra shift at the Rovers as she needs saving!

Eileen has been so nice since her near death experience (including espousing the purchasing of wonky vegetables which she used to say were for wonky people - but they are in fact soup which Eileen is making for the soup kitchen) that Todd thinks that the truth needs to be told about her "experience".  When she arrives in the Rovers for a drink over which he breaks the news Gail gloriously knocks red wine all over her denim jacket.  Eileen takes it on the chin and assures Gail that her magic stain remover will sort it.  Todd explains about events when she came round and within seconds the old Eileen is in full flow throwing a drink over Todd and marching up to "Gail More Surnames than Hot Dinners" in the Street and just stops short of fisticuffs (I assume the insurance premiums are too high these days).  However it would appear that she has reverted to normal and is no longer mrs nice woman.

In a very minor side story this week Max remains upset by Daryan having allegedly stolen his place at school.  As we all know it is not quite that simple but no doubt a bigger story will follow.  However due to the usual banter along the Street Peter is aware of Max's discontent and it comes up in conversation with Griff later - just grist to the mill for your everyday racist.

Sam has decided that the best place to see the Northern Lights is Canada and Audrey decides that Stephen can lend them one of his properties as the air fares would be more than Norway.  Stephen knows the money cannot stretch that far and goes into panic mode to get them to revert to the old plan telling Gail of the risks to elderly and children from the intense cold in the Northwestern Territories.  Gabrielle departs with Max observing that you can never be friends with an ex - whilst Stephen opines that he only ever wants a quiet life.

A journalist has approached Fiz - there is a new book about John Stape about to be published - but not by Phill Whittaker who denies (off screen) that he has any involvement.  In a completely unrelated event it appears that whilst Sam is trying to stop any letters arriving from prison whilst in Canada (or Norway) Hope's mysterious internet correspondent is now blanking her and they have not been in contact recently. Fiz and Ty tell Hope that there may be some unwelcome publicity and questions about her father at school - but Hope is up front - her dad did what he did and he cannot do it any more because he is dead.  Meanwhile Amelia's dad is drunk every night and that is way worse.

The Stape story stumbles on.  Always revisit the best killers if you can. Stephen's quiet life would be achieved if he left the Street.  I am going to miss nice Eileen as will George, Gail, Mary - indeed just about everyone other than Todd!  And if he has an overdraft and no work how is Daniel surviving without the income on the house?  Answers on a postcard to the storyliners.  And where are Amy and Jacob living and on what?  Answers on a postcard to the storyliners.  Please let me know responses on Twitter!

Written by Debbie Oates.  Directed by Mickey Jones.


All original work on Coronation Street Blog is covered by a Creative Commons License


  1. Sharon Boothroyd30 October 2022 at 13:52

    Daniel should be able to claim child benefit under UC.
    If he's not working, he should be able to claim JSA, too. Yet there's been no mention of this at all.
    I'd like to see the interview at the jobcentre where he explains he's given up teaching, and they try to steer him back into a teaching job.
    Tracey said that Amy and Jacob are house sitting somewhere, apparently.
    Jacob works at the factory with Kirk and Amy's at a local uni, I think. Studying what, I don't know.
    What's Simon's doing?
    Daniel shouldn't be spending one penny of the deposit Dee Dee gave him.
    As a landlord, he should have placed the deposit into a specific account- this is required by law.
    As a solicitor, she ought to know that!

    1. Incorrect knowledge of benefit system. You do not need to claim UC to claim child benefit. UC nothing to do with child benefit claim.
      Also he would be claiming UC, not JSA as he would be claiming child element for Bertie. He would possibly sanctioned as he left his recent job of his own accord

  2. Daniel could quite easily get work as a supply teacher and did he really think Daisy would be happy to share their bedroom with Bertie?

  3. You definitely don't need to go to the Northwest Territories to see the Northern Lights here in Canada. If they are strong enough you could see them in Toronto or Ottawa. A little away from light pollution and there they are.

  4. I thought due to Imram's lying about Abi in court that Toyah could no longer look after children,so whose child was she looking after ?

  5. if daniels not teaching or doing any other job what does he do for money, no mention hes on benefits either. come on writers, sort it out

  6. I was confused about Dee Dee paying rent and a deposit to Daniel. Doesn't Dev own the flat above the shop? Daniel is just a tenant isn't he?

  7. Northern's like they're (the lights)right on top of you!

    ....and what about the other kids? Their mother was stabbed in the street and they have David for a father....surely they need some lovin

  8. Want to see the Northern lights? Voggle youtube!

  9. Dee Dee probably paid the rent and deposit to Daniel because he's presumably already paid the rent in advance and the deposit he originally paid will have been put on trust by Dev (assuming Dev is the landlord)
