Monday 22 August 2022

Coronation Street Episode Review Monday 22nd August


Back to Cold Case Central i.e. number 6, where D.I. Alya and D.S. Zeedan have got a hold of the case files for Stu's murder case. I'm enjoying this investigative stuff (they should really do an accompanying podcast) but it's just a pity it has to involve tedious old Stu. Adam points out that a) Stu was illegally questioned for over 10 hours and b) a tape is missing. I hope the Nazirs are at least going to chuck Adam a few complimentary bhajis since he seems to be doing this pro bono. Brylcreem doesn't come free, you know. Yasmeen rocks up to the prison because HMP Weatherfield throw out visiting orders willy-nilly, and Yas tells Stu she will forgive him if he just tells her the truth, but he sticks to his innocence and tells her to speak to his ex-solicitor, who I guess'll have to be prepared to do some free work also. Norman the solicitor tells the Nazirs that Detective Lennox was rotten to the core and that Stu wasn't guilty. Alya starts pressuring her gran to let Stu stay with them when he's released from prison.


Kelly greets Aadi in her silky jim-jams, which probably means they'll be engaged by the end of the episode. Aadi obviously has a thing for troubled blondes, but given the bother that Summer causes, I think he may have made the right choice. Although maybe not to the extent of pretending to get wed as Kelly suggests in order to win a free holiday from the Gazette.

Wasn't this a storyline some time ago with Norris and Mary?


Steve sacks off Ed and Paul as his original roofer has come back, apart from the fact he hasn't. Someone turns up but it's not the roofer, it's the scaffolder who wants his scaffolding back, although he agrees to leave it for another £500. Ed does not agree to take the job back on. 

I'm still not sure about the point of this storyline, is it meant to be comedy? I think Steve might have to go on Rogue Traders, except that it's on BBC1 and so can't be mentioned by ITV scriptwriters.


Brexit problems for the factory as they can't get hold of the silk they need for their frillies. Carla is forced to crawl to Uncy Stephen for the material, something that pleases Suspicious Stephen no end. He then suggests Sarah buy Carla out from the knicker factory, which interests her. So what's Stevie's game? Stealing Audrey's dough or taking over the factory? It can't really be both. We can only hope that Gail is onto him sooner, or even later, just as Audrey was onto Richard Hillman a long time before Gail realised he was a bad 'un.

Oh and Aaron drops Summer in it by suggesting to Billy that he calls the diabetes nurse to ask if Summer can have a flash monitor, which Summer has lied about.

Rachel Stevenson - on twitter

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  1. Love the bits with Kirk parking and Peter relaying info to Tracy!

  2. I tuned out thru most of that. Kelly and Aldi have zero chemistry, just like Craig and Faye. It's like the writers have no idea what makes a couple tick. Kelly should be with a bad boy like Simon, or stealing Whatshisface from Amy. Aldi had some chemistry with Summer, I don't know why they paired her up with Tallboy instead. I can't even be bothered to learn the names of these characters anymore, none of them have any personality of their own.

  3. I cannot believe how stupid and ridiculous they've made Steve out to be. He was a builder himself at one point, so surely he could do the work himself. He was quite the lad in his day...intelligent,shrewd even....and he used to be funny. Now, he's just silly.
    Stephen (uncle) wants to own the factory. For some reason he can just leave a thriving business to hang around Weatherfield and do favours for people. It's obvious now that Audry will not be signing on any dotted lines anytime soon, so now his sites are on the factory.
    Carla still has some life left in her, I think they underestimate her.

    1. I think steve was more forman/project manager. Seemed to get others to do the donkey work. I do agree they are making him into a bad joke thats worn thin now

  4. Came someone explain why stews in prison? He served his time for the murder didn’t he?

    1. Stu was out on licence, and as he was arrested he was recalled to prison

  5. Roof saga is dragging on. Why did Arnie turn up last week if he wasn't going to do the job?
    Yes holiday competition is a repeat but I'd like to see Aadi and Kelly as a couple. Fat chance if she is leaving.
    Why can't everyone see how shifty Stephen is?

  6. Crikey, Stephen is even boring now that the writers have turned him into a villain.

    And yes, Steve is becoming a cartoon character of his original self. Wish they'd breathe some life into the old boy.

  7. Stu was in prison because he is on parole, and he disturb the peace or trepassed when he was in Yasmeen's home.

    I love Aadi and Kelly, I feel they have the right chemistry. We do not need an electrific chemistry, but out of all the couples on the street, I feel that Faye and Craig is the one that should be over. I absolutely love Aaron, what a burst of fresh air, a break from the mould!

    I really like how the teens are written, and will look forward to it for a long time. I actually look forward to watch the next episode, I was actually disappointed to realised that today's Tuesday.

    Yes, the competition is a repeat, but hey, there is a thousand of competitions, and it is a different take this time.

  8. Sharon boothroyd24 August 2022 at 12:55

    Apparently, the roof is going to collapse on the McDonald house.
    As for Steve McD becoming a joke... Tracey and Steve have been given the Jack and Vera roles, her the bossy wife, him the henpecked hubby.
    But I also think that Simon was great in his depression story line.
    So he can act well if he's given the chance.
    I thought Yasmeen had taken out a restraining order against Stu, and he'd broken it, so that's why he's in prison.
    I find this whole miscarriage of justice plot really tedious.

    1. Nope, it was never ever mentioned about a restraining order. You can't just "take out a restraining order". It takes time and you have to provide evidence, such as diaries and records of events. It's a time consuming process that doesn't happen overnight

    2. Not the actors fault its the writers who have turned him into a joke thats worn thin. Jack duckworth was never as daft

  9. Sharon boothroyd25 August 2022 at 13:23

    Oh, ok re: the reason why Stu was in prison.
    I'm still not quite sure what the proper reason was!
    I expect they think viewers will forget the details.
    Soaps are never what you'd call factually correct in some areas - I mean, Craig is such a useless copper, he'd be thrown out of the force by now!
