Saturday 23 July 2022

Coronation Street Episode Review Friday 22 July 2022

Street residents manage to keep a secret!  The Platt family gather in the Bistro to astound Audrey.  Many hints are dropped and eventually Audrey is escorted under blindfold to her own salon which the family have redecorated and refitted ready for Audrey to re-open once she signs the lease with Debbie.  Yes the family have decided that at age 82, Audrey should go back to work.  Needless to say even though they have phoned Stephen and asked him to come back Audrey appears just a little underwhelmed and frankly who can blame her?  She tells them she is feeling tired and is off to Grasmere Drive for 40 winks but when Gail pops round later there is no sign of her.

Kelly and Gary are apparently free of any retribution from the man she bopped over the head and she gets around to going on that date with Aadi.  You know sometimes it is a little too soon to make a joke over a recent event - well Aadi does when he tries to joke about the abduction and encounter with a rope and a radiator as it might get told to the grandchildren; Kelly is not laughing yet.  Luckily for him Stu can see that Aadi is getting in a stew over his first (and probably last) date with Kelly so Fairy Godfather Stu delivers sweet samosas to lighten the mood and Yasmeen reckons that Kelly is lucky to have him looking after her.

Stu is being an all-round good egg today offering to cover for Zeedan so that the latter can head off to Greece with friends and give Stu an opportunity to reminisce over the time spent in Athens with his daughter (whom we recall is no longer living where he thought she was).  Yasmeen decides that all the good turns deserve recognition and she goes into Voggle search to track and trace the missing daughter, so far without any obvious success.

Jack tells Kev that he needs some help with a presentation and his father agrees to help him at lunchtime.  Come lunchtime Abi is able to announce that she is coming home next week so Kev decides to cook her favourite meal - a chicken curry - and he cannot help Jack who strops off rather than do his work and has a kick around in the back yard.  His ball ends up in Evelyn's lap but she does not ritually disembowel it with a carving knife, but when Jack comes round she hands it back.  Jack is rather glad as he tells Ruby that he is not Evelyn's grandson and in a scene we do not see I rather think he explains that Molly, then Ty's wife', was his mother.  

The many headed hydra of the annulment document  keeps appearing.  Initially Phill reminds Fiz (who only has one z) that today is the last day of the two weeks and has decided they should go for couple counselling as his last attempt at trying to patch things up.  Amazingly the only counsellor available in Weatherfield is the one which Ty and Fiz have been seeing.  She suggests Fiz might have some secret that she wants to tell Phill but Fiz gently steers the conversation elsewhere.  Phill repairs to the Rovers where Evelyn disposes some wise words of advice and Phill might sign the document; except that he realises he has left his phone in the counsellor's office.  He finds Fiz and Ty there and the annulment is annulled.

After a bit of a shout Phill goes back to the Street and sits down with Evelyn who once again points out that he has a lot going for him and he will find a decent partner and suggests he has a chance to say good bye to Hope and Ruby.  Hope obviously feels that the need not to tell the entire truth has gone and informs Phill of where Fiz spent her wedding night.  Phill storms along to the Rovers where he finds Ty and Fiz announcing their re-union and tears up the annulment, throws it up in the air and tells them they are going to have to wait 12 months until he can sue Fiz for a divorce.

Getting home, Gail phones Audrey who re-assures her that she had simply popped out for some milk and to stop fussing.  The camera tells a different story - not of Audrey at home but in a bed in A&E being questioned by a medic who seems to believe that she had ingested an excess number of sleeping pills and wants her to see a psychiatric liaison officer on the morrow.

Poor Phill had his chain yanked in so many directions tonight that it all seemed a little unfair.  The man has done nothing wrong really; Fiz may yet come to regret taking Ty back and wait until the children decide to use their new knowledge to their advantage.  Audrey has not been happy for ages and with that family I can see her wanting to go to Switzerland sooner rather than later.  Kev you need to keep your promises to Jack or it will all go pear-shaped.  Yasmeen - be careful - Stu's daughter may not want to be found.

Tonight was written by David Isaac and Chris Fewtrell, whilst it was directed by Penelope Shales-Slyne.


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  1. I am amazed that the therapy session with Phill even began, surely the therapist would've have cancelled and called it a day. They/she would not be drawn into deception.
    I think the Tyrone Fiz lovestory has run it's course....the best thing about it? Nana/Evelyn comments on it

  2. I cheered Phil on when he tore up the annulment papers and demanded a divorce from Fiz instead!Needless to say this storyline has ruined Tyrone and Fiz for me.
    This could have been avoided if Fiz was honest with Phil from the beginning but no she had to play her attention games.
    I think Tyrone will regret getting back with Fiz as she'll revert back to emotionally and verbally abusing Ty and maybe even Ruby.

  3. I am convinced Maureen Lipman’s deal with Corrie is that she writes her own scripts. She is funnier and wittier than the rest f the cast out together, and is the key reason I resumed watching after a seven month sabbatical.

  4. They are dragging on phils part a bit too long now. The charcater should have gone straight after the wedding

  5. Maureen Lipman must surely have learnt from Sue Johnstone who came in as a harridan and was never toned down. I hope she told the writers that she was only staying if they showed the many layers to her character. I read that Maureen Lipman is playing 'Rose' again but this time on stage in September/October. I saw it online last time and she was brilliant, naturally. Wonder if they will send Evelyn on a short holiday or we just won't see her for a while.

  6. Meh, Phill is the stupid one. Fiz said she don't love him and he keep going on and on. He hold the annulment over her head, so I do not blame her about hiding the truth. He is the jerk here.

    Audrey is so weird.

  7. I can't see how Phil is the jerk here when Fizz suddenly decided to wake up immediately after saying "I do" and not before! It's absolutely ridiculous. All that prep and money for a wedding and for what? So she can say "oops, sorry don't love you after all". A bit childish and over the top for a middle-aged woman who's been around the block.
