Thursday 12 May 2022

Coronation Street Episode Review;Wednesday 11th of May 8 pm

I’m unsure what Emily Bishop or Ena Sharples would have thought, but calling it a 'naming ceremony' does continue Corrie’s embracement of soap secularism, following on neatly from last week's Eid storyline. With neither of Alfie’s parents being holier than thou, a non-christian celebration is far more suitable, and seven deadly sins always make good storyline fodder. In tonight's episode, the battle between Abi and Imran continues. Imran is as slippery as always, and, after feeding Leanne a line or two, Battersby has the naming ceremony idea. I’m inclined to think this is all part of the solicitors' plan. Is it just me that thinks Imran is equally as evil as Dr Thorne? They all agree that Abi should be present at the naming ceremony, but Abi flatly refuses to attend, telling Imran that he will lose everything when she when eventually wins custody of Alfie. Imran then lies to Toyah about Abi’s non-attendance, and the realisation hits that Imran is all of the seven deadly sins combined. Thinking about it, I'm sure Ena would be happy it's a naming ceremony and not a christening after all. 

Equally as dramatic, but requiring a whole different set of emotions, is Summer’s continuing triad of issues. Diabetic, dia-bulimic, and seemingly body dysmorphia, I guess? It’s a litany of issues, and you’ll have to excuse my language here, it's a tricky thing to write about. Having overshared her issues with the potential new beau, Aaron tells Summer that he doesn't want to see her outside of the support group. Laying his cards out on Roy’s table, studious Summer is left bereft, and even Asha fails to lift her spirit. Later, we see Summer facing her bedroom mirror, in contemplation, and she scrawls red lipstick all over it. I think this is a visual metaphor, and we've more to come in this story. P.S Please can we have Billy THE ARCHDEACON being anything other than a sidecar in Summer’s diabetic vehicle?  

Kirk’s factory promotion is a comedic injection, and I quite like it, but are they using Kirky as comedy fodder for Jacob’s redemption? He’s been in the show a long time, Kirk, but I sometimes wonder where or if he fits in anywhere these days. By the end of the episode, he’s out of a suit and back packing underworld knickers, whilst Jacob lands a sales job. All I think about when I see these scenes, is wonder what Mike Baldwin would do. I know it's been 20 years, and maybe it’s nostalgia, but I do hanker for the days when it was a rough back-street sweatshop run by no-nonsense mouthy cockney! 

Meanwhile, Peter visits the Bistro and tells Leanne all about what’s happened, Dr. Thorne propositions Carla and then calls for a truce with Peter. I’d guess his posh white flag waving has some sort of dubiously sinister connotations behind it? The men reach an amicable agreement of sorts, but not before Peter has seen Carla’s text message, and Doctor Thorne takes early retirement, which Peter discovers whilst visiting the hospital to withdraw his complaint. Later on, and back at the bistro, Dr Thorne has arranged an impromptu retirement party, just as Carla has taken Peter out for a dinner. We then discover that Dr Thorne has only retired from the NHS, and has instead been offered a new posh job in America! Peter is fuming and promises repercussions. Is this going to be a Corrie class war? 

Elsewhere tonight; Fiz has settled into her new posh house, and seems too busy to talk to Tyrone, with Phill coming onto Coronation Street to pick up the girls. George confirms his sleep apnea diagnosis. Evelyn reveals that she uses her age as an excuse to unleash rude words. I know I'm only 40, but that's also my excuse!   

I am @rybazoxo your self-styled cobbles connoisseur

All original work on Coronation Street Blog is covered by a Creative Commons License


  1. Unfortunately,Imram who was once a favorite of mine has become more evil than Dr Thorne.
    Imrma knows how much Toyah wants a child and has lied about Abi 'being on drugs' to get Toyah on his side because he knows he has a better chance of getting full custody.
    I think Toyah is just as evil as Dr Thorne is,staying with Imram [when she should have dumped him] to get Abi's son and is willing to drive Abi over the brink to do it.
    Considering her own family's history with drugs[Leanne and Jez Quigley.Simon being a drug runner along with Jacob],Toyah is in no position to judge Abi who i skeeping clean.

  2. Was there a flirty little Mrs. Robinson moment between Sarah and Jacob, or was that just me?

  3. I too miss the days of Mike Baldwin running the place. But I also loved Carla running it in her early days. The new producer ruined the factory for me, giving us the new set which I still don't fully understand the layout of and it looks like a child's play centre. Its impossible to keep track of who works there (there's now more people in sales than on machines). What do Michael, Faye and Michael actually do? Anyone can wander in off the street for a natter! Who's the boss? Carla or Sarah? Do they both share equal status? Sarah still doesn't convince me in the role and Carla's nothing like the fiery ball breaker she once was. The factory - and the entire show - needs a serious overhaul.
    My biggest pet peeve at the moment is that hotel set... they use it for EVERYTHING.... the show's become so insular its distracting.
