Monday 30 May 2022

Coronation Street Episode Review Monday 30th May

Abi, Kevin, Toyah, Imran and Alfie - Coronation Street - ITV

 We start with next week's episode: Imran phoning someone (Abi? Toyah? Mr and Mrs Habeeb, who don't seem that bothered they have a grandchild?) and apologising from the future. I did roll my eyes a bit on Friday when Abi said that she was running away with Alfeh "tomorrow", but for now it's Monday, Monday, and the the Mama and the Papa are cooing over "their" baby.

Toyah and the queen of self-righteousness, Leanne, persuade Abi not to take Alfie today so he can go with the Battersbabes to the hitherto unseen cousin Kirsty's birthday do. Abi flees to Kevin, who - for the purposes of this storyline -  is blinded by love and does something dodgy (don't ask me what) to Toyah's car (hang on, Toyah has a car? I hope it's electric) so that it won't start, and for some reason they can't take the bus/tram/taxi and so Toyah hands Alfie back to Abi.

Imran - Coronation Street - ITV 

Meanwhile, Kelly stalks Ben to the solicitor's office and then confronts Imran with the accusation of his dirty dealings. She tells him that she's disgusted at his subterfuge and Imran does that hurt thing he does with his eyelashes. He then visits Abi and apologises, saying that they will set up a proper visitation schedule but then his legal eye spots first the suitcase and then the fake passports. I know Abi's flat is small but this is the second time she's been caught out by leaving stuff lying about. Just be a bit tidier, hun!

What would be funny is after waiting four hours in security at Manchester airport with a screaming baby, Abi changes her mind and takes him back to the Battersbeebs.

Anyway, that's me done, enjoy the rest of Big Soap Week!

Rachel Stevenson - on twitter

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1 comment:

  1. Mr Habeeb is dead. Rana was Imran’s sister and she had to lie to him on his deathbed about not being gay. Imran and Saira are the only Habeebs left… at the moment!
