Monday 18 April 2022

Coronation Street Episode Review Monday 18th April


It's a bank holiday but everyone's working. Roy's in the cafe, cooking up bacon barms, Daniel and Naughty Nicki are still organising that Edinburgh trip (surely it just involves booking a coach and a youth hostel? Buying a few high viz jackets?), Adam is in his office, and Summer and Amy are revising. A-levels apparently finish at end of June so there's another 2 months of Summer binge-eating/throwing up and scowling at anyone taking her away from her Letts Revise books.


Meanwhile Jacob is feeling the cost of living crisis, with unpaid gas and leccy bills and rent to pay. He sees an opportunity and takes some over-ordered Blue Ice alcopops off of Evelyn's hands. Surely the Bistro still has some olives he could buy cut price? This enterprise  doesn't last very long as Simon turns grass and phones the feds to dob Jacob in. When they turn up, they find a hypo Summer and, assuming she's drunk, takes her downtown where she goes into a coma, and worse, has to rely on PC Plonker Tinker to assess the situation, but fortunately he calls an ambulance. Don't diabetics usually wear a bracelet or carry a card? Anyway, Amy blames Simon for calling the po-po and then 'fesses up to Billy about Summer's potential bulimia.


Gary is back labouring for? with? Ed, fixing up Rick's house (presumably Fiz has made it in from Runcorn or wherever she lives now to manage the antique/junk shop). Ed and Paul find a bag o'cash under the floorboards which Gary declines to hand in to the cops, preferring to give it instead to Kelly for future university fees or a flat deposit. Why not distribute it to some of Rick's former victims? We later see Kelly looking shifty and boarding a tram with a large cash-size bag.


There's a new hunk in town - Ben the dodgy paralegal, whom Imran has hired to dig into Abi's life. Surely Abi's dirty secrets are out in the open? Toyah, ever the moral compass, says that it's a step too far until she finds out that Abi's lawyer is cooking up a scheme to discredit Imran's lawyering. This is why you shouldn't have legal meetings in cafes, even Roy's. It takes Evelyn to talk sense into Abi and la Franklin says that she wants all three of them to be part of Alfie's life, but Imran reckons it's all an act. Is this going to end up with Abi and Toyah being platonic co-parents?


Daisy takes sandwiches to the school in order to spy on Daniel and Naughty Nicki, and doesn't like what she finds, so says she's going to find Nicki a fella. I hear that Tyrone is available?

Rachel Stevenson - on twitter

All original work on Coronation Street Blog is covered by a Creative Commons License


  1. So Summer is in a diabetic coma due to drinking one of the alcopops that Jacob cob[more or less stole from Evelyn and yet in Amy's eyes Simon is the bad guy for calling the police on Jacob?
    If Jacob claims he's 'changed'then why did he run from the police?

  2. I don’t think she did drink one. She was clearly unwell before she sat in the garden.
    How did he ‘more or less steal them’ he paid for them a price that Evelyn was happy with?

  3. No, Summer was feeling poorly prior to speaking to Jacob, and no she didn't have even one alcopop.
    Jacob didn't "more or less steal from Evelyn". They both agreed a deal, with Evelyn taking £60 from Jacob + 10% of any takings. Aadi was witness to this. So yes Amy was right to think that Simon was the bad guy

  4. Jacob didn't sell or give Summer alcopops, just dumped them near her. But he was breaking the law by selling without a licence.

  5. I'm so turned around with the Abi/Alfie/Imran/Toyah storyline I don't know whether they are sincere or deceiving!

  6. Toyah will marry Imran, they will split up (for whatever reason) and she will fight for custody of the baby Alfie. She wants a baby end of
