Sunday 13 March 2022

New Pictures: Lydia takes her final act of revenge on Adam

After weeks of tormenting Adam, destroying both his marriage and career, this is the moment that stalker Lydia takes her final act of revenge. 

As the truth about their past comes tumbling out, a heated row ensues but when an emotional Lydia lashes out at a seemingly unrepentant Adam, a violent shove sees him falling over a first floor railing, crashing onto the floor below. 

As a bloodied and unconscious Adam lays on the ground, has he paid the ultimate price for his womanising ways?

And will Lydia finally be unmasked to Adam's estranged wife, Sarah, and the police?

All original work on Coronation Street Blog is covered by a Creative Commons License


  1. why does the official blurb frame this as a comeuppance for Adam 'paying the price for his womanising ways'? He is the victim of a stalker. There was no womanising involved. Talk about victim-blaming.

    1. The truth has yet to come out about what Adam did to Lydia. This is revenge not victim blaming

  2. If a female character was being stalked,whomever wrote the blurb wouldn't even consider blaming her but Adam being stalked is his 'fault' because he dumped Lydia when they were in uni?!Really?!
    Talk about a dangerous double standard
    Adam is a victim of a stalker and his wife Sarah is an idiot for believing her husband's ex's lies over her husband telling the truth despite the fact that Adam did warn Sarah that Lydia had issues about their break up.

  3. Jeanie (anon): most likely he's the father of her child. Don't know what else it would be.

  4. Revenge or not, Adam is still victim in this whole situation. No matter what he did to her. She could have handled it differently.

    1. You don't know what he has done to her. She was a victim who is taking revenge. I'm not condoning it, but there are 2 sides to every story. I'll keep an open mind until I find out what Adam is supposed to have done first

  5. Even if he did father her child (unknowingly - he can't be blamed for what she chose not to tell him) that is no excuse for her stalking him, destroying his marriage, and attempting to murder him now! Relationships end sometimes and it sucks. Lots of people get dumped. They don't all insinuate themselves into their ex's life years later and try to kill them!

  6. Two wrongs does not make it right.

  7. It has been quite a while since their UNI days so she has to be kind of nuts to be doing this now. And all that time speaks to much planning and premeditation.

  8. This is the second time that Adam has got bopped on the head.Fortunately there will probably be cctv and all will come out right in the end. Adam will be proven to be the actual victim of a woman scorned...Sarah will feel like an idiot for doubting her husband (she should take Carla's advice and stay away from looney Lydia)

    Victim blaming? It would appear so...did he give Lydia a disease? Have the time frames added up for the boy to be Adams? Where is the little tyke? His mum seems to have a great deal of time on her hands.
    Either're a fool
