Friday 25 March 2022

Coronation Street Episode Review Friday 25 March 2022

Evening Corrie fans, it’s Kelly here with your Friday night review.
It’s the early hours of the morning and Gary is sneaking around dressed like the Milk-Tray man. He tells Maria that he has to move the body and sets off to do it in in broad daylight. Good thinking master criminal! Unsurprisingly he’s unsuccessful and gets chased off by a security guard. Feeling out of options, he tells Maria he’s going to hand himself in. 

Meanwhile Adam is back in the flat and Sarah’s good books. He’s decided that he’s going to make amends to all the exes he might have wronged and starts by taking some random fling out for an expensive lunch at the Bistro. I’m not sure he’s thought this through. I get the impression Adam’s little black book is about the size of War & Peace. If he’s working backwards, he’ll be bankrupt by the time he gets to 2018.

Over at No. 4, Tim is hoping the cardiologist will lift his sex ban at his appointment tomorrow. With Sally back a day early he tries to lure her into bed by telling her it’s tomorrow in Australia and he can’t wait to go down under. Which makes her pull this face.
Unfortunately, before he can get his didgeridoo out, Elaine walks in.
In other news, Craig is doing his open-mouthed vacant expression again, which Faye interprets as meaning he’s about to dump her. This is unfortunate as she’s just found out she’s pregnant (rolls eyes), because of course Weatherfield exists in a parallel universe where the pill hasn’t been invented! Craig tells her he’s delighted about the pregnancy and that he’s decided to join the police force again. He makes a speech about how doing the right thing isn’t always black and white, which I think is code for yep I’m a bent copper and I’m ok with that. We all know where this is going to lead...

Back at Victoria Court, Laura’s PI tells her he’s positive that Rick is dead and that Gary is the prime suspect. When Gazza returns from his thwarted exhumation, she confronts him and he immediately confesses. Master criminal again. 
She calls him evil for worming his way into Kelly’s life after he’d killed her dad but he tells her he wanted to make things better for her. She says she’s going to tell the police but he tells her it’s a relief and that it’s only a matter of time before the body’s found anyway. 

As Gary goes to tell Maria that the gig’s up, Laura overhears Kelly telling Simon how Gary and Maria have given her hope that she does have a future after all. The three of them all arrive back at the flat in time to see Laura being put into a police car and are told she’s confessed to killing Rick.

And that's it for this week. Does anyone care that Maria won the election? Express your disenchantment with democracy with me in the comments section or on twitter @mskelstar.

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  1. What a satisfying ending to a very enjoyable week. In the absence of Supt Hastings, they should bring back Jim McDonald, so they should, so someone with a NI accent can say "all I cur about is catchin bent coppers [so I do]"

    1. There is never ever a right time to bring back Jim McDonald. Ever!

  2. People like to bang on about pills and condom, and how it does not exist in Weatherfield. It does. Sally haven't been pregnant since 1994 (that's 28 years of successful pill work), or many other characters who haven't been pregnant for a while. Accident do happen, like everyday in life. Can we all please stop going on about this, it is getting tiresome.

    1. I take your point, Anon, however the scriptwriters do overegg this issue. Far too many instant pregnancies in one street. That is tiresome also.
      I must say Craig and Faye are excruciatingly boring and now, perhaps, another pregnancy. Yawn, flamin' yawn.

    2. Here, here. I totally agree with that. Well said

  3. Family planning is one thing but they never seem to use protection when a pregnancy would be the worst possible outcome of a brief fling e.g Leanne, Abi, Sarah, to the point of being predictable.

  4. How can you create drama? A one night fling and nothing happens? People keep watching the show for the drama, for the fall out, for the future generation. Sarah, was a baby once, she grew up on the street and the show secure longevity by growing future generation. Peter, Tracy, Nick, Sarah, David are few amongst others who was born on the street and now they carry history. David was an accident and now he is one of the street's treasure.

  5. Considering that their relationship has been on the rocks lately,I think Faye got pregnant on purpose[did not use birth control] as a way to entrap Craig whom she believed was about to dump her.
    So much for Gary doing the right thing and turning himself to the police.
    Instead he took the coward's way out and seems willing to let a terminally ill Laura take the fall for Rick's death{poor Kelly]!
    Gary gets away with it again!

    1. Do you really think Faye got pregnant on purpose?
      She's had a baby before and knows what it's like and ended up letting the baby live with the father. That thought never crossed my mind

  6. When bereft of ideas, throw in a pregnancy, or an affair, or a serial killer, or some ISSUE of the day. We have a pandemic going on and inflation is out of control, why is it only the Winter-Brown family is struggling?

  7. We don't know if Gary will go along with Laura's "confession", plus how can she convince the police that she buried the body alone?
    Totally agree that there aren't enough references to the pandemic and its effects on residents. Some people would have had Covid by now, even if not severely. Covid death would also be a convenient and credible way of writing out permanently absent characters.

  8. Faye should more than anyone know how important birth control is! Anyone remember her baby that she had very young and gave away? It's ridiculous and just silly at this point. Wash, rinse, repeat!

  9. Sharon boothroyd27 March 2022 at 13:13

    Did anyone notice the red mark on Sally's face? I wonder if she was injured when she was on Dancing on ice.
    The thing that I found strange was that she and Tim launched straight into the 'Carry on' smutty talk, and it wasn't even mentioned!
    It was good to see a bond between Elaine and Fay but I agree that Craig and Fay are the street's dullest couple.
    I have a feeling that not many viewers really care about them. If they don't, why has that happened? Bad acting, bad scripts?
    Her pregnancy is too soon after Abbey's baby plot (I still think the baby will turn out to be Kevin's) Much to Beth's and Tim's disappointment, I reckon Fay will end up having a miscarriage.
    It was good to see some kids return - Liam and Harry, but we haven't seen Gary's Jake or all of the quads.
    There's rumours flying about that the actress who plays Fizz is leaving. I guess if she goes to live with Phil, she'll take the girls too.

  10. Abi's wasn't the usual 9 month pregnancy plot.
    Kevin had already said that he knows the baby isn't his.
    Do you really want to see a storyline with all of the quads?
    I don't as it won't end well.
    It's been said on here numerous times that they're still filming under Covid restrictions. That means only 4 people per scene. So....... How could you have a storyline with all of the quads and no adults?
    I really don't think Jenny McAlpine is leaving as she'll always be known as Fizz and she knows which side her bread's buttered

  11. Sharon boothroyd28 March 2022 at 12:57

    I think Abbey's baby will turn out to be Kev's, simply because he said exactly that!
    Personally, I don't feel that Jenny McAlpine is leaving either - as you say she's character that goes way back with Roy and Hayley fostering her, plus she has brother Chesney and his brood, so she's part of the show's history.
    Weren't their hints at the start of the year about her having doubts about her romance with Phil and that she was possibly getting back with Ty?
    I keep forgetting about the social distance rules on set!

    1. Both Abi and Kev have said it's not Kevin's baby.
      Alfie's really not Kevin's baby! You're doing so much second guessing, that you're meeting yourself coming back. Just do like I do, and wait for the storyline to pan out
