Monday 7 February 2022

Coronation Street Episode Review Monday 7th February

Adam and Sarah are still bickering about her bday, which is all forgotten when they find Adam's car  smashed up. He blames Jeremy Renner Bremner (y'know, from the boundary dispute case) and Adam goes off to confront him, although Jezza B denies it. More is to come though as the solicitor's office is invaded by armed extras police (regular viewers will be relieved to note that Craig is not among them) looking for an illegal firearm following a tip-off. Adam is still convinced that Bremner is behind it and reports him to the police, but we all suspect that the perp is closer to home, don't we?

The world's most reformed teenager, Kelly, cleans the kitchen and offers to do some free baby-sitting chez Sutherland-Windass. Kelly is going to find out about Gary and her papa at some point, non? In the meantime, Lousy Laura is back to cause trouble, although this time she has a reason: she has terminal cancer. When Gary and Maria are otherwise engaged, Kelly leaves the flat. How many times has she run away now? Let's hope she doesn't get engaged to Aadi (or whoever) - she'd do a Julia Roberts impression at the altar.

Tracy can't believe that Amy is going to be 18. Neither can I; I remember back to when she was called Patience Cropper. Tracy reminds her daughter (and the viewers) that Amy will inherit £40K from Grandma Deirdre when she turns 18, which seems like Chekov's forty grand, to me. Anyhoo, Amy is more interested in texting her new boyfriend, who remains a mystery at the moment. Tracy is determined to find out who it is, as are Asha and Summer - they should just read the previews like the rest of us.

Rachel Stevenson - twitter

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  1. Made me laugh all this talk about Amy growing up and becoming a woman. She has been pregnant.

    1. She was pregnant at a young age, which was terminated. She was still a child then, not a woman

  2. I have been watching long enough to remember Patience Cropper.
    Thank goodness they've toned Tracey down a peg or two, she was so horrid back then.
