Friday 29 October 2021

We call it ‘Coro’ down here…

A quick introduction from a new blog writer.

Kia ora! My name’s Ben and I live in New Zealand. Admittedly though, the “we” in the title of this post is perhaps a little misleading; I’m actually a born-and-bred Lancastrian and self-proclaimed adopted Mancunian. That’s not to say though that Kiwis don’t love ‘Coro’ too!

Over my lifetime, I’ve probably watched about half of the Coro story (for diplomatic reasons, I’m just going to call it Corrie from now on) – the other half being before my birth, which is the point my mum got me into it! I did work out that I could theoretically watch the missing half in the space of a few months (including essential breaks for sleep and work), but I think I’m going to save that for retirement.

What I love most about Corrie is its perfect mix of comedy and drama, with my favourite scene being Richard Hillman’s canal antics. The Wannadies CD he puts on for Sarah’s benefit, along with his generally crazed determination, makes it hilariously manic yet somehow still dramatic. Classic.

Richard cranks up the volume (actual scene).

More recently and away from the usual humour, I was moved by Aidan’s suicide. I don’t tend to cry at the telly, but this one really got me and still does today. Genuinely heartbreaking but beautifully done.

Stuff I like aside from Corrie includes casual photography, exploring places, writing, and occasionally having a good old chinwag with like-minded (or even not like-minded) people. I’m really looking forward to blogging about my favourite things from the world of Weatherfield and hope you’ll have a gander when I do 😊

All original work on Coronation Street Blog is covered by a Creative Commons License


  1. Welcome, Ben, it's great to have you on the team. Glenda

  2. Welcome to the 'Coro' Street Blog, Ben! Look forward to reading your posts!


  3. Welcome to the team, Ben! Can't wait to read your posts!


  4. I cant wait to see more from you Ben!! Love this blog

  5. Thanks everyone for the warm welcome!
