Sunday 29 August 2021

Five Things We Learned In Corrie This Week

I'm so tired.  There was a point during this week's Corrie where I turned to my long-suffering partner and asked, "why are we still watching this programme?"  Because it was dreadful.  The dialogue, the plots, everything.  There was a strong streak of stupid running through all of it, where perfectly normal storylines - a boy becoming ill, a trial, a relationship break-up - were infused with daft twists and contrivances.  I'm not sure what it was, exactly, that prompted my question; it may have been when Liam earnestly asked his mother "Why can't people just ride bikes?".  Yeah, go and tell your stepdad that next time he does a house clearance he has to cart the wardrobe away on a BMX.

In amongst all of this, Maria's reaction to Liam's asthma was quite easily the stupidest part.  I'm not diminishing asthma at all - it's a terrible condition and people die from it all the time.  But if my son collapsed in the street, unable to breathe, and the doctors said "it's asthma" I'd be mostly relieved.  Asthma is common and treatable - we all knew kids at school with inhalers.  Maria's reaction however was to go absolutely ballistic because the doctor happened to mention pollution as a factor.  Are they really saying that the car parking issue is what caused Liam's asthma, because that's been a problem for literally a fortnight?  Also, parked cars aren't a problem because parked cars aren't actually belching out any pollution at all.

Maria became a one woman campaigner for the environment, Greta Thunberg in D&G denim, although in a really hyper-focussed way.  She decided that Liam's asthma was all the fault of one single van that Underworld owned.  Not their main van, because Sarah pointed out that it was a hybrid; no, a previously unseen second van, one that didn't have any Underworld branding on it, almost as if they'd bought an old wreck cheap for the purpose of Maria smashing it up.  Which she did.  Like I said, stupid.  Sometimes I wonder if storylines are conceived purely so they can have a dramatic preview picture.  There's no real reason for the violence, it's just something that they can release to Digital Spy the week before to make the show look EXCITING. Presumably, once she'd finished on the Underworld van, Maria was going to take her crowbar to Kevin's diesel-belching tow truck.  And the Weatherfield Wayfarer.  And her husband's knackered old van.  No? 

Her job done, Maria then strode off down the middle of the road.  Because apparently Coronation Street is so clogged with polluting vehicles that it's killing Liam's lungs, but also, there's not a moving vehicle to be seen and you can walk in the highway.  Urgh, it was all so ridiculous and pointless.  What's wrong with a storyline about Liam getting asthma?  Why does it have to be violent and smashy and confrontational?  Ah yes, I remember now.  Because this show is stupid.

Home is where the heart is.  Following on from Daniel being gifted a £400,000 house - that's one of those numbers that's going to stick in my head forever - there were further property shenanigans as Ed announced that he and Aggie had bought another house.  Remember how they moved to Coronation Street originally because they were broke?  Because Ed had gambled away all their money, so they lost their nice big house and had to downsize to a two up two down?  Well, things have clearly taken a turn for the better, as they have enough cash lying around to buy a fixer upper without any worry.  We didn't even see them discuss it, or attend the auction, it was just Ed arriving with the specs of their second property.  Actually third, if you count the builder's yard.  Fourth if they also own the flat above it.  Why are they living in this poky little house again?  And whatever happened to their long-held dream to go travelling in a luxury camper van, a dream that was mentioned once and then disappeared?

Only a couple of episodes later this previously unmentioned house became incredibly important to the plot.  What are the chances of that, eh?  Freshly dumped by Michael, Grace remembered she was a horrible person and blackmailed Ed and Aggie, demanding the house or she'd take Glory away to far-off Hull where they'd never see her or their granddaughter ever again.

Hour and three quarters along the M62 by car, two hours on a direct train from Piccadilly, just saying.

You know what the Baileys need?  A solicitor.  Stop pussy-footing around Grace and letting her dictate terms.  Get to the Family Court, get a child arrangements order.  In fact, go the whole hog and apply for sole custody.  Michael has a good job, a nice home and a supportive family; Grace is a loon who served jail time for pretending somebody else's baby was hers.  Cut the manipulative witch out of your life completely.

Age ain't nothing but a number.  This is Hope Stape, born 9th December 2010.

And this is Jack Webster, born two months earlier on the 6th September 2010.  Yes, that strapping lad is about to turn eleven.  I assume this is a side effect of the sepsis; he lost a foot, but was injected with a massive quantity of testosterone as compensation.  Jack also seems more mature with his plans for vengeance; while Hope simply burns down the homes of her enemies, Jack takes to the internet to spread information.  He posted about Corey's upcoming trial on a Tommy Orpington forum; I really want to know who is frequenting that forum, and how many of the users are currently subject to restraining orders.

Jack got a visit from a very good looking policeman as a result as he was told that naming Corey might have been prejudicial to the trial.  That's nonsense, of course.  Corey and Kelly haven't been publicly named because they're young offenders - it's got nothing to do with the case itself.  If they were adults their names would have been in the press when they were arrested, and they would be a matter of record once the trial began.  If Jack posted Corey told me he definitely did it, also he was dripping with blood, they're all covering this up pass it on, then you might possibly argue that it was prejudicial, but all he did was say Corey was up in court and Tommy Orpington was going to defend him.  Still, it's all moot anyway, because Jack deleted the post and that was the end of it.

If it works once, do it again.  In the opening scene of Monday's episode, Imran was up incredibly early.  He explained to Toyah it was because he was so stressed about Kelly's trial.

In the opening scene of Wednesday's episode, Imran was up incredibly early.  He explained to Toyah it was because he was so stressed about Kelly's trial.

And in the opening scene of Friday's episode, Toyah was up incredibly early.  She explained to Imran it was because she was so stressed about Kelly's trial.  See how they mixed things up to keep it interesting?  In fairness, Toyah was also worried about her relationship with Imran because she suddenly values Abi's feelings more than Kelly's.  Remember, it was Toyah who desperately wanted to be a mother for years, and who presumably lead the whole fostering idea because she had such a strong maternal urge.  Now she's chucked all that out the window and abandoned Kelly because she's worried about annoying a woman who I'm not sure she's ever exchanged more than three words with.  It's certainly grounds for her to give Imran ultimatums about their partnership.

On the plus side, it's finally the trial next week, so with any luck this whole thing will be coming to an end soon.  Imran happily accepted a big wodge of twenties that had been shoved through his letterbox as part of the fee for a blood splatter scientist.  I'd have loved to have seen the expression on the scientist's face when Imran handed over all that cash on him for his services. I don't know, I might be concerned about brown envelopes full of cash being dropped on me, but I'm not a top lawyer-slash-barrister like Imran.  He does at least look good in the wig, facing down his ex-wife Sabeen who, it turns out, is representing Corey.  What are the chances of that oh I can't be bothered any more.

Kiss kiss kiss!  I'm still not entirely sure why Johnny and Jenny split up.  Yes, she did the dirty with Ronnie, but he did the dirty with Liz and they got past it.  There was all that interminable nonsense with Scott the Bank Robber, but they seemed to have got past that too.  And they still seem to love the bones of one another.  Can they not give it another try?  They're a great couple and Jenny seems to get a genuine glow when she's around him.  It'd also give him something to do, because since he moved out of the Rovers, Johnny has been very much surplus to requirements.  I'm not sure he's even talked to Carla since about May, and he doesn't have any kind of job.  He doesn't even live in the Street any more.  Never mind giving Ronnie your blessing to try it on with her, get back in the Rovers where you belong so all those sweet J&J pictures can be put back up.  And then kick Daisy out.  

Please tell the author why he should even bother any more on Twitter @merseytart.

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  1. Superb, Scott! Your Five Things reminds me why I've not watched Corrie for at least three months now. I never thought I would be able to look away from my beloved soap, but I have. I was helped with my withdrawal by episodes of classic Corrie from 1998 (which isn't so classic and enjoyable now we're in 1999). I will go back to watching at some point, but at least I've got over the angst I felt when missing an episode. And until then, I can keep in touch with the madness via your great posts, and excellent reviews from others here.

    1. I never miss a episode of classic coronation street and classic emmerdale, in the good old days before stupid social distanceing and the obsession with issue based story lines and characters plonked there to tick boxes

  2. I'm also puzzled on why Toyah is abruptly giving up on Kelly when only a few weeks ago she and Imram promised they would support her all the way.
    The same Toyah who years ago supported Spider's illegal action when he poured anti freeze in the fish section at Frescho's and almost gotten Curly Watts fired.
    I guess Toyah also doesn't believe in the saying innocent until proven guilty as she is already throwing her foster daughter under the bus.
    Toyah is no better than Laura!

  3. Every once in a while, the actors are allowed to have 'huge fun' to make up for their boring storylines. So it was with Maria who took a crowbar to a van. It's great that people enjoy their work but I hate it when the actors are having more fun than the audience. I thought Johnny was being written out but he's popped up again. So, I reckon he and Jenny will get back together and Ronnie and Debbie will become a couple. Hopefully, this means Daisy will go off in a huff. Imran and Toyah are foster parents, not legal guardians as I understand it, so where is the local authority representative? And I don't understand why Imran doesn't have funds to support Kelly's case. Doesn't she qualify for legal aid? Probably there was a scene where this was all explained ...

  4. After just over 50 years of watching Corrie since childhood, I walked away on 21JUL this year. I found I was just sitting there ridiculing the flimsy storylines rather than ridiculing those characters who are there for ridicule. It gave me no pleasure as I know that people work very hard under tough circumstances to produce the series, but I just felt that it wasn't worth investing the time any more. Classic Corrie, on the other hand, provides a better calibre of plot, performance and writing which serves to highlight the failings of its current incarnation. I'll not blame you, Scott, if you took a break too. But I would miss your style and wit.

  5. Hooray for Scott…….finally joining the ‘shout at the screen’ brigade. Well done you. It’s been going on in our house for what seems like forever, but is really all down to COVID. Maybe Jonathan and the team have been locked in a bubble for 18 months gently but progressively going bonkers. Me, On the one hand, like you, I’m in despair, but on the other, there’s the release of the shouting!at the tv. It’s good to let it all out. And, no, you don’t stop watching….like the good old football chant “I’m Corrie till I die!”
    Incidentally, my dear wife who has her own tv upstairs just for watching it, tells me East Enders has never acknowledged the existence of COVID. Lesson learned there.

    1. But how can they avoid it and stay credible? And do they keep 2 metres apart? I never watch it, so I don't know. That would like silly if they did and it was never mentioned.
      On the other hand, can you imagine on here, the outcry if Covid was never mentioned? They can never win

  6. Brilliant critique which says what we are all thinking !

  7. Sharon boothroyd30 August 2021 at 12:34

    I hope you don't go Scott as I'd really miss your 5 things.
    Yes, Corrie can be silly at times but I recall the days of Hilda and Stan.
    What storylines did they have, apart from nipping to Alf's for a packet of cigs and making Eddie Yates' tea?
    Their kids (or one of them, anyway) was supposed to be in care. This was never mentioned and they seemingly didn't give a hoot. Talk about silly!
    This was a couple that were the main stalwarts of the show right through the 1970's. So there you go...
    I did think some of the direction was off (by Amanda Mealing) She's a tv actress - plays Connie in casualty.
    The camera work was all over the place with Liam scenes and it was either Ty or Evelyn who walked directly around the camera - very Acorn Antiques!
    I liked the actress who plays Grace. Grace is a complex character and I think she plays her really well.
    I'm a short story writer and I've told that I need to get the details absolutely right before I submit my work, but on Corrie they don't let any details bother them!

  8. I too have given up on the show - sure, covid measures made it a little daft but I keep reading social media posts by the writers saying how brilliant it is. It isn't. Stopped watching - read you Scott instead and watch the classics although most of the 'classic' actors have recently departed that too.

  9. I felt sad reading your blog but I agree with it all! I have missed a few over the summer due to football/olympics/just something better to do and didn't really feel that I'd missed much.

    If I stopped watching I'd miss some of the characters; Roy, Evelyn, Dev, Jenny and possibly a few others, but not the ridiculous storylines. It's really sad what it's come to.
