Tuesday 10 August 2021

Coronation Street Episode Review Monday 9th August

I do hope that as things get back to normal, or at least the new normal, that stunts are allowed on t'cobbles again. The socially distanced ones look weird and Shona's description of getting her slipper caught under the clutch and hitting something isn't quite as good as a stunt-dude bouncing off the bonnet of a Ford Fiesta. Shona and David go out with alley cats and milkmen into the dawn and look at the dent in the car but can't see any evidence of human remains. David takes the car to the garage and pretends he hit a bin but the next thing we know Todd is in hospital with broken ribs and concussion. I think even the meerkats could work this one out! Abi works it out too but says she won't go to the cops. PC Plonker Tinker turns up anyway to quiz them but leaves empty-handed. Disconcerted, David says that the will go to Kate Oates Memorial to see how much Todd remembers, which is, as it turns out, quite a lot. David asks what he wants and Todd says not to worry, David will find out soon enough. What I want to know is: will Todd have a new scar?

Dev tells Asha about the memorial cabbage patch for Seb, including the fact that Nina and Ed are the main organisers. Asha puts on her best glasses (she's the new sexy specs, isn't she?) and goes to Roy's to offer her help. We all want Asha and Nina to get back together, don't we? Asha has grown up and Nina is older, sadder, but more likely to want to hold on to what she has. Asha raises £400, which she claims is mostly from Dev, but it turns out that she's sold her laptop.

Anyone else think Evelyn was playing the long game? She moved in with Fiz, Ty, Ruby, Hope and Jade Stape, and she's got rid of all of them (except Ruby) and now has a house to herself! (and Cerberus). I don't really understand why Fiz didn't take Hope back to the special school in Birmingham? Unless the Janky Jade business put her right off it. Instead, Fiz has taken the Leanne and Nick approach to being on the lam and is in a B&B just outside Manchester. I guess since when characters move to Leeds or Liverpool and we never see them again, it's because if anyone goes anywhere more than 5 miles away from the Rovers, they spontaneously burst into flames or turn into a pumpkin or something.

Tyrone tells a big old fib and says he found Alina's keys in his jacket and that Fiz is staying with Cilla. I hope Wendi Peters isn't watching this at home shouting that she's available for a six month contract! Alina swallows this like Sarmale and starts to wonder if it was her erstwhile slave traders that set fire to the flat.

Dastardly Daisy persuades Ryan to a) call her "his girlfriend" and b) go to Speed Daal for a meal to rub Alya's nose in their, um, love. Daisy and Alya squabble and Ryan storms off. Such a drama queen.

Nick and Leanne are living the life of retirees, which sounds flipping brilliant to me. Not to them though as Leanne admits to our Toyah that she is bored of the leisurely life (is she or is not a Battersby?) and Nick says the same to his sis-in-law. So I assume the Viaduct Bistro will be renamed Nickeanne or Leanick by the end of the month?

By the way, I absolutely refuse to believe that Imran drinks instant coffee. He is definitely a coffee snob - I can see him with an aeropress. Enough of my fantasies; Toyah leaves the Gold Blend at Dev's in a huff as he disbelieves in Kelly's innocence. Get used to it, Toy.

Rachel Stevenson - on twitter

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1 comment:

  1. I spent most of the episode wondering who this Suzy was, who David wanted to get rid of! Eventually twigged it was his previously unseen car. Looked pretty flash for a backstreet barber with no clients.
