Friday 6 August 2021

Coronation Street Episode Review Friday 6 August

Evening Corrie fans, it’s Kelly here with your Friday night review.

As Tyrone and Alina struggle to come to terms with the fire, they are stunned to find out from the police that an accelerator was used and they are treating it as arson. When Alina realises her keys are gone, she jumps to the conclusion that it was Fiz who started the fire.

When Fiz finds out about the arson she questions Hope. Now the kid may be an arsonist, baby killer and probable psychopath, but she’ll never make a poker player. She immediately does a side-eye to her toy box where Fiz finds Alina’s stolen keys and the bronte-saurus toy she pinched from the flat. 

Elsewhere, after Amy’s coaching, Aadi finally asks Summer out and is delighted when she says yes. Now obviously I come from a different generation when a boy asking you out meant you were guaranteed at least a snog, so I was very confused when the pair then proceeded to sit six foot away from each other sending hilarious cat videos on their phones. Generation Z-er’s are weird!

Unbeknownst to the chaste pair, Tracy has jumped to the conclusion that Amy is the subject of Aadi’s affections, while Dev has decided that his son is sowing his wild oats and is making him a date hamper containing breath mints and condoms. Between them they decide their offspring are definitely having sex and that Steve mustn’t find out. He does, obviously. As the dad’s face off in the Street, Amy, Aadi and Summer emerge to set them straight. But it’s all too much for Summer who runs off in embarrassment.   

In other news, Nina plans a memorial garden/veg plot for Seb, and Todd and Shona have a row over parking.   

Back at No. 9, Tyrone calls over to find Fiz with a packed case about to do a flit with Hope. Fiz admits it was Hope who started the fire but defends her daughter by claiming she only meant to set fire to the cot. Which is a bit like saying Michael Myers only wanted to relentlessly stalk teenagers with a variety of bladed weapons and it’s not really his fault that they kept falling on them. Ty is having none of it. He says Hope is dangerous and needs help. When he tells Fiz that he’s going to tell the police, she emotionally blackmails him, saying that Hope is old enough to be criminally responsible and that she couldn’t bear her daughter being taken away from her. This made me think that Fiz is actually a terrible person and an awful mother. I’m pretty sure the mum in The Exorcist tried to pretend her daughter wasn’t evil and the next thing you knew there was a bloke at the bottom of a flight of stairs with his head turned all the way round.

Meanwhile, Alina has told Tinker of the Yard her suspicions and the two turn up at the doorstop demanding to speak to Fiz. Evelyn lets them in, but Fiz and Hope are nowhere to be seen having already done a runner. Tyrone then lies and says he hasn’t seen them. Since this is exactly the opposite of what he claimed he was going to do ten minutes previously, I can only assume that it’s part of Hope’s diabolic plan and either she started talking backwards in Aramaic or has Ruby tied to the tram track.

And that’s it for this week. Have you changed from Team Fiz to Team Tyrone after tonight? Let me know in the comments. Personally, I’ve always been Team Tyrone but that’s mainly due to my personal dislike for people who stand around with their mouths open. I refer you to my previous catty comments about Craig.

Back in a fortnight or on twitter @mskelstar

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  1. Condoms? Seriously? For two 16-year-old virgins' first date?! Do even adults have sex on the first date? I must have led a very sheltered life.

    1. Normally people on here ask why people never use contraception with the amount of one night stand unwanted pregnancies. And now complaints about people giving out condoms. Just because they've got them, doesn't mean to say they'll get the chance to use them. Prevention is better than cure.

  2. Fiz obviously thinks psychiatry follows the same practices as in the 19th century. Hope is ill and needs help, Fiz can't provide that! She's obviously a very unhappy little girl and Fiz constantly yelling at her to go to her room and covering up her beviour isn't a good approach.

  3. I'm on Team Tyrone as Fiz showed no remorse for Hope's actions especially since Alina suffered a miscarriage which led to Tyrone losing another son nor when Tyrone pointed out that Alina herself could have been killed.Fiz seemed almost 'proud'.
    I also don't understand Fiz when she said she would 'come back 'for Ruby as Ruby is not her daughter!
