Saturday 21 August 2021

Charlie De Melo interview: Imran's ex-wife returns as rival lawyer in Kelly's case

What is it that has made him want to take on Kelly’s case? What is it about her that has really struck a chord with him?

Part of the reason that he feels so much care for her is that he sees her almost as a surrogate family. The family that he was introduced with, who defined his early years on the street, has been taken away from him. In Kelly he sees this able, smart, fiery, intelligent, really incredible young woman who had been dealt a hand that meant she was stopped from getting anywhere in life. He wants to be a facilitator for her to break out from her unpleasant upbringing whilst at the same time creating that surrogate family to replace what was taken from him. In Kelly and Toyah he has created his own family, he is trying to defend Kelly and save her in the way he couldn't with Rana. He couldn't save his sister but he can potentially save this girl.

Does he believe her version of events?

Yes he does, he takes everything at face value from the people he is close to in his life and it is a kind of semi-blind trust. There is no real evidence to prove anything, one way or another so he is having to present the events in the way he has been told they happened. But there isn’t anything factual backing any of it up. He is so blinkered in his viewpoint that she is innocent and did not kill Seb and that is going to cause him problems and turn people against him. He makes an island of himself and even Toyah is a little hesitant but he takes that necessary and calculated risk, he sees Kelly as the underdog and he wants to help the underdog. He is of the opinion that if he doesn’t help her who will and justice won’t be done. He wants it to be a fair and level playing field. Corey has come from enormous privilege and has everything that comes with that, including the money and Kelly is in need of help.

How does he feel when his ex wife Sabeen turns up?

It is a very unwelcome shock for him. They have a very tense relationship, their marriage didn't end particularly well. The marriage and the break-up all happened prior to Imran’s arrival on the street, the divorce is what instigated his arrival to begin with. They studied law together, they roomed together at university, they got married young and she ended up becoming the sort of successful lawyer that you imagine when you think about the posh office, not the dingy hole in the wall backstreet lawyer’s office. She works in a gilded palace in London  with armies of people in sharp suits with braces and briefcases and she appears out of the blue to let Imran know that not only is she going to be around for a while she is around because she is going to be on Corey’s defence team. She is there as a personal foil for Imran in the court room.

Does he rate her as a lawyer? Is he rattled by the fact she is on the case?

He knows how good she is, but their styles couldn't be more different. It is like a game of chess for her and the people involved are just pawns that she can move around to tell the best version of the story that will get her the result she wants. Whereas Imran has more integrity and she is ruthless, he wants to do things the right for the right reasons, the reason he wants to take this chase on and feels so passionately about it is that he feels he has the truth on his side and that is enough to justify being a social pariah on the street, having sleepless nights, doing the work of dozens of people. Sabeen comes to the case having no knowledge of Corey, for her it is all about a tick in the win column and presumably a very hefty pay day! But you could also argue that Imran is perhaps too closely involved and invested. Sabine’s cold dispassion is possibly going to be more effective and objective.

We see a more ruthless side when he chooses to do something to try and slow the trial process down against Abi’s wishes.

He does have what it takes to do that but unlike Sabeen who would do something because it benefited her, the reason Imran is so intent on delaying the trial and going against what Abi clearly wants and what Toyah says, is because in his core he knows that as it stands now there is not a chance he will get not just the result he wants but the result that will bring true justice for Seb. Abi sees there to be a difference between justice for Seb and justice for Kelly whereas Imran sees them as one and the same thing. Abi needs someone to be punished and it almost doesn't matter who, she just needs to see ahead roll whereas Imran wants the right person to be punished for this crime.

How does he react to the idea of a plea bargain?

Sabeen treats it as like a dangling carrot in front of him. Through the various conversations they have, despite Imran’s best efforts she is able to intuit that he doesn’t have any aces up his sleeve at all. He has very little to offer in his defensive argument. He really is clutching at straws and it is the absolutely the best worst option in that either you run the risk of going to court cap in hand saying ‘honestly we are telling the truth’ and hope the jury believe you but running the risk of this innocent girl being put away for at the very least 12 years, or you have her say that she killed this person for less time in prison, but once that has been said that is not a genie you can put back in the bottle. It is a black spot against her name forever more.

How is the case and Sabeen being around affecting his relationship with Toyah?

It puts a real strain on it that began the day Kelly was taken away because he became so resolute and focused on Kelly and stopped really considering anything beyond the case and Kelly’s well being and stopped thinking about Toyah and the effect it is having on her. He is making executive decisions on her behalf, involving her directly in the court case which is something that she should have been consulted about.  He is utterly obsessed, we see scenes of him up at 3am scribbling down notes, trying to imagine what work is being done on the opposite side and trying to match that on his own, all the while knowing he is up against a team that has a fortune behind them that will influence testimony. He has no capital and no time and is burning himself out to everyone’s detriment.

Do you like Imran - would you be friends with him? 

I love playing him but based on what I have seen of him the last few weeks, no I don't think I could be friends with him. I have a slightly more relaxed pace of life that wouldn't sit very well with him and he would get tired of my lackadaisical attitude. 

Do you enjoy the court scenes? There was such a great reaction after the Geoff scenes were you relishing Imran being back in court?

I personally love filming the court scenes, they are the scenes that during covid have not felt restricted by the restrictions. By it’s very nature these courtroom scenes are a theatrical performance and the whole idea is to present yourself in a way that fills a room, that connects with everyone that is in your eyeline at once, as opposed to something small and intimate which I found quite difficult during these times as you can only get so close.The courtroom scenes almost feel like the shackles come off a bit so that has been a real joy to feel as free as I have done.

Are you enjoying being part of a story that has made such an impact?

On the one hand it is an important worthy story to be talking so I am proud to be involved in that and on the other hand working with the young actors involved is extraordinary, they are so talented and to be around them and seeing what they are doing and the level of commitment and quality they are giving is incredible, it is exactly what you want as an actor. 


Glenda Young
Twitter: @Flaming_Nora
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