Wednesday 21 July 2021

Preview of tonight's Coronation Street - Weds 21 July

Wednesday 21st July 2021

EMMA DISCOVERS A HEART-STOPPING SECRET When Curtis reveals that he’s heading out Steve offers to accompany him. Tracy watches, baffled, as Curtis climbs in Steve’s taxi. When Tracy reveals that she saw Steve giving Curtis a lift, Emma’s left reeling. As Steve and Curtis arrive back on the street, Tracy strides towards them demanding ansers. 
NICK FRETS OVER SAM’S HEALTH Back from the park, a stressed Nick shows Leanne a graze on Sam’s knee. Leanne says he should stop mollycoddling the poor boy. Sam wanders onto the balcony, his headphones clamped to his ears. Thinking Sam is missing, a frantic Nick heads out in search of him.
TYRONE FEELS PRESSURE FROM ALL ANGLES Fiz confronts Tyrone in the cafe over his proposed article. 
ELSEWHERE As a nervous Michael sets off for his interview, Danny suggests to Grace that she and Michael should join him and James at the bistro later. Laura calls in the Rovers and moans to Imran that she’s skint and can’t find a job. When Carla reveals they’re looking for a cleaner at the factory, Irman bags the job for Laura. When Sean tells her about Fiz’s article in the Gazette and how they offered to pay her to do another one, Laura’s intrigued.

Wednesday 21st July 2021

SAM OFFERS SOME SAGE ADVICE  Nick and Leanne conduct a frantic search for Sam while Sam remains on the balcony. 
FIZ GETS BACK IN THE SADDLE Fiz meets up with Phill in Speed Daal and they instantly hit it off. Tyrone calls in for a takeaway and is put out to see Fiz enjoying a date with Phill.
LAURA IS ON A MISSION In the prison visiting room, Laura quizzes Kelly about the night of the attack and assures her she can tell her anything. Kelly admits she suffers from flashbacks.
ELSEWHERE Over dinner in the bistro, James reveals that he’s been approached by a leading gay magazine wanting an interview. Michael, Grace and Danny are delighted for him.

Glenda Young
Twitter: @Flaming_Nora
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1 comment:

  1. Surely Nick is aware he has a balcony? Why does he check there first?
    It was bad enough when Sam was the only grandchild to say goodbye to Gail bu this storyline is ridiculous!
    I'm getting tired of Sam.
