Monday 7 June 2021

Coronation Street Episode Review Monday 7th June

I enjoyed Corrie's Big Week - there was less in the way of bang crash flash and more relationship stuff; I don't just mean boy-girl, but people's alliances and bonds with each other. Even the Shazza and the gun-wielding child-catcher missing Gary at point blank range (maybe his army training made him good at camouflage?) story was about relationships - her choosing her blood (but evil) relatives over her mum substitute, Dame Rita of Littlewoods. I also enjoyed Jenny telling Johnny to sling his hook and Sarah and Carla's barney - they're a bit too classy to be scrapping in the street in their dressing gowns, but the barbed comments were a delight.

Anyway, enough about last week, what's going on this week? The same storylines, to be honest. Carla snaps at Sarah, telling her she'll be be invoicing her for Peter's funeral (I paraphrase), and worse is to come when Daniel tells Peter that his liver is incompatible (his liver likes reading and Peter's likes jigsaws?). Never mind though because there's a non-Barlow organ available, but Peter is nowhere to found! Until Daniel finds him that is and he is rushed to Kate Oates Memorial to replace the yellow liver with a pink one.

More important than all of this: surely 12th April has been and gone in Weatherfield and Adam can get a haircut now? Even Aadi has had a fade! (in one scene anyway - it's grown back in the next one).

Jenny tells Johnny he has to move out and Johnny suggests that Jenny move out. It's Connor vs Connor, (although Jenny will always be Bradley). Mr C puts the pub on the market using a well known discount estate agent and offers Mrs C first refusal. She'd get half anyway, wouldn't she? Not waiting for the divorce to finalise, Daisy enlists Ronnie as a sleeping partner in the proposed corporate takeover, but Jenny's having none of it, until next week, no doubt.

Bernie starts her revenge plan on Evelyn, firstly by taking Cerberus's affections with sausages, then by faking an exit so she can catch Evelyn playing with Cerby with her bad wrist on her bad foot. Bernie tells Dev that Evelyn will be back tomorrow and that her reward will be in heaven and also the Bistro.

Fiz interrupts Alina bringing lunch to the garage (has Ty made a sandwich for himself in his entire life?) to remind her ex that he's looking after the girls tonight. Because Tyrone is doing a Deveroo shift for the corner shop, Alina says she'll look after the girls. She does know that Hope is the firestarter, twisted firestarter, doesn't she? She also suggests to Sarah that she asks Fiz back to the factory, which delights Fiz, until she finds out that it was her rival's idea.

Ruby is in the bathroom playing her tapes, but Hope manipulates Alina into giving her eyelash extensions (could've been worse, she might have asked for a nose ring), which goes down as well as an iron airship with Fiz, causing a Talina row, until they make it up with some rumpy-pumpy.

Oh and perhaps this should've been the main story: Corey is arrested for murder, but is released on bail.

Rachel Stevenson - on twitter

All original work on Coronation Street Blog is covered by a Creative Commons License


  1. I loved the fact the Wetherfield general obviously does so many liver transplants that they have a special signed department for them. For a hospital the size of two shoe boxes and no clue about masks, this is obviously a necessity in the heavy drinking Weatherfield community. And talking of masks and social distancing, when sanity eventually returns to the real world, will be left with three extra months of it on the cobbles?

  2. What if Corey really is innocent and actually did just try to help? Be a great plot twist...
