Saturday 8 May 2021

Coronation Street Episode Review Friday 7 May 2021

We open tonight with Abi and Kev not getting married but instead being at Seb's bedside and almost immediately receiving less than great news from the doctor that the CT scans are not showing what they would like to see and they will need to do some brain stem scans.  Kev vanishes to unoragnise the wedding sending the flowers to the local old people's home and whilst on the Street telling Summer and Billy what a state Seb and Nina are in, Summer is looking worried..  Abi is willing Seb to recover. - and suddenly her phone takes delivery of the last message he left for her hours before.  Similarly Roy is willing Nina to wake up as the sedatives have been withdrawn.  

Dev breaks the news to Asha about her friend and Dev refers to it as pure savagery - and that some things in life just do not make sense.  Dev also tells her it happened down by the industrial park - which gives her something to ponder.  Summer finds that Kelly girl in the cafe (which is surprisingly open - Roy is at the hospital, Aggie does not work there any longer, Alex is in Scotland so must be Bernie today) and she looks like she is in a right state.  Apparently according to Kelly, Seb and Nina left soon after Summer and she saw nothing herself.  Kelly does not like all of Summer's questions.  Once on the Street Kelly leaves Corey a message saying they need to talk.

Once she gets home Asha gives Corey the third degree - but as he says he was home by half eight.  Lucky that.  Asha observes that if she and Corey had stayed later they would have been able to even up the numbers.  Corey goes out to buy bread without bird seed (good grief there is something I actually agree with Corey on!!).  Back at the Kate Oates Memorial Hospital (or is that Emmerdale) a blonde police person is asking if there were reasons for the attack - Sally posits they could have jumped the queue at the Post Office (!).  Nina has the implant of a trainer on her thigh (someone should take a picture and check Eli's shoes).  Police questioning seems to be driven by Abi's conviction record.  Continuity also has a problem, Abi is wearing a white "Bride" rosette on her black dress - but it moves to the plastic apron and back.  Given the state she is in she would not stop to repin it on the apron!

Corey bobs round to R'Toyota's flat where Kelly is lying low with a hangover.  He has a simple message for her - keep it zipped (above).  She responds that the weak link is Summer.  Corey pops along to the caff and gives Summer a stern talking to.  She is not to talk about the joy riding or there will be no Oxford for her.  So it would be better for her and Billy if she kept quiet.  She agrees, thinking Corey is a mate.  Somewhat later Kelly denies any knowledge of events to Toyah.

Another superb soliloquy from Royston to his beloved niece seeking to get her to awaken and simply call him "Roymond" in her disapproving way, he would be extremely relieved!  At which her eyes flicker and Nina is back with us.  Along the way Abi is seeking some response from Sebastian - but there is nary a flicker.  With Seb being tested Abi pops in to see Nina and the latter's memory is a bit scrambled - but she does remember meeting Corey.  Abi makes a run for it to the Street where she immediately finds Corey and asks him what he knows.  He says he was home by eight thirty and Asha confirms that she was at home with him.  Later Corey says he was not lying - just not trying to provoke Abi in case she turned nasty.  Corey denies having anything to do with the attack and asks Asha to provide an alibi.  The police interview Abi - but whilst she can remember Corey and Kelly laughing and a slap she cannot remember much else.  With Seb the first round of stem cell tests are inconclusive and they will be repeated later.

Mary tries to get a private word with Asha to get her to leave Corey - and he accuses Mary of simply listening to gossip and jumping to conclusions thereby isolating Asha from one of her main supports.  Asha decides to visit Nina in hospital - but is far more concerned for herself and Corey than for either Nina or Seb - which Roy spots and calls her out on it (above).  Asha repeats her story that she was at home with Corey at the time in question.  Asha returns home - Corey is gaming and he again denies touching either Seb or Nina.  He reassures her that the hospital will be able to get Nina back to full health.  As she continues to question him he gets quite nasty - until Asha admits she repeated the story about that they were at home together.  Soon Corey is watching TV as if nothing has happened.

Meanwhile the doctor finds Abi and Kev.  The tests have shown no brain life and she advises that Seb has died.  Abi feels she has failed to protect her son and then breaks down and sobs at his bedside (above).  Roy tells Nina, Kev calls Eileen, the word will soon spread.

Which wraps it up for this week.  I have never been keen on Seb and never invested in him.  I have felt that he was hanging around for no useful purpose, no proper job, no proper relationship, no real interaction with other Street residents, on-off-on with Alina and Emma, on/off/on/off (I never could care which) with Abi and given the raw end of an HIV diagnosis.  Something about the actor, the role and the writing never worked for me.  So suddenly we have him hooked up with Nina out of nothing and now despatched into the care of Gorgeous George.  I am relieved.  I think the only Street resident I want removed more is Gary Windass.  I have no doubt I am in a minority of one.  I will admit tonight that he acted his socks off.

There won't be any Corrie Comicals this week as there is not a lot about which to be funny when things like this are the centre of the story.

Writers: Carmel Morgan and Ella Greenhill
Director: Clive Arnold


All original work on Coronation Street Blog is covered by a Creative Commons License

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