Sunday 28 February 2021

Corrie Comicals week ending 26 February 2021

At the end of last week Steve got Peter into doing a jigsaw.  Anyone would think that they had finally decided to reflect the lockdown with only Peter being forced to do a jigsaw!  Faced with the above comment from Peter I rather think that Carla's face demonstrates her affinity for jigsaws!

There was much competition between Steve and Tim as to who should become the hearse driver (hearses were in favour in soaps this week as Faith Dingle returned to Emmerdale with a stolen hearse).  Tim said that Steve had a large head and Steve responded by asking if Tim was calling him a fat head - to which Tim responded with the space hoppers line above!

The Ollie story was no place for a gurning Steve but now he is the gatekeeper to mad lockdown jigsaw fancier Peter the gurns are back - especially when discussing Carla's possible sex life (above).  Of course Carla has not sealed the deal; she has a hangover from hell and all she did was sniff the cork because now she doesn't drink it has a huge impact on her whilst Jenny can be up and about doing her pilates in the back room at the Rovers which had apparently grown by about 10ft overnight - or perhaps I was seeing things through wine enhanced spectacles (so much more becoming than beer goggles I find).

Mary assures Dev that she will be Mummy Cool as Nina and Asha come in the cafe.  Which lasts about two seconds as she welcomes them!  She is almost as excited as Boney M were about "Daddy Cool".

And of course with more comebacks than Frank Sinatra Geoff dropped in to wear the same clothes as the bank manager claiming that they regularly heard stories like Yasmeen's and they don't believe in coercive control so she will still have to pay up for the debts for which she signed because no-one would ever do something like that to a woman would they?  Whilst I hope it never affects me I thought banks were a little more sympathetic these days, although the concept of actually having a meeting with a manager seems a little last century to me - a robotic voice in an automated call centre is more my experience!  By way of explanation Mr Sinatra was famous for retiring more often than he went to bed, then having another farewell tour.

Covid crisis alert!!  Ryan I hope you do realise that you and Alya popping out for some "fun" probably involves a nightclub or a restaurant or the cinema or a theatre or almost anything which is currently closed.  There are some dates when it is threatened that normality will return but in reality all BoJo announced at the start of the week was a further extension of lockdown until June - I hope you got the message like the rest of us?  And why aren't Rita, Roy, Ken, Evelyn, Yasmeen, Elaine, Audrey, Gail, Debbie and Kev talking about their jabs?  It is about the only subject of conversation for those over 50 these days!

"Mummy Cool" praises Nina's dress - above "You look like a princess" but then adds "Of, you know, the dead."  Which somehow Nina accepts as a compliment and makes Asha look as though she is about to throw up.  Dev moves swiftly on!

I made mention of this last week.  In the clip above Eileen is at the opening of the new ginnel which is on the other side of Victoria Street from Trim Up North.  She takes four or five steps walking in front of the wooden erection which probably extends the width of the pavement and covers over the previously permanently closed entrance to the council information point.  So not a figment of my imagination.  And curious to know what is going on as there have been no hints that it would be used since Cathy and Brian were in competition with someone else to use as a shop - all of which came to nothing.  

Factory at Work

In the middle of Lucas meeting Peter who should pop up in the background - Dirk, holding the legendary clipboard in his left hand, diligently ticking things off - I wonder if he gets paid by the ticks on the sheet?

Written by: Sam Holdsworth & Julie Jones (Monday); Cameron McAllister & David Isaac (Wednesday); Owen Lloyd-Fox (Friday)
Directed by: Pip Short (Monday & Wednesday); Duncan Foster (Friday)


All original work on Coronation Street Blog is covered by a Creative Commons License


  1. I'm sorry but I didn't think that Steve's and Tim's fight over who should drive the hearse for Ted's funeral 'comical' but in very bad taste nor did I think Yasmeen being 'haunted' by Geoff's spirit and losing everything because of him funny either.

  2. Apart from Dev and Mary ( and then only just about) there wasn’t anything comical this week. The writers don’t seem to be able to manage subtle comedy, everything has to be overdone and farcical which means it’s not funny but just ridiculous.

  3. Yes the rovers back room has grown! Loads more walls - at this rate it will be touching Victoria Street!
