Monday 22 February 2021

Coronation Street Episode Review Monday 22nd February

Lucas fetches up at Underworld to set hearts and other organs fluttering. He says he's set up a meeting with his boss, Martha, and Carla in Harrogate (just do a Zoom!). She tells Peter and he says that he expects her to play jigsaws with him rather than put her career first. When will Peter realise he's dealing with a queen? You can't treat Ms Carla Donovan-Connor-Gordon-Barlow-Connor like dirt and get your family to blame her for your alcoholism and not expect another beau to start sniffing around the fragrant flower. Also, Valentine's Day was over a week ago, he should've sent a card from wherever rehab was. Anyway, he turns up a the factory with flowers and overhears Carla saying that she wouldn't choose the same path as she did, but doesn't hear the rest of the sentence in which she says Peter is her soulmate and she'll never give up on him. This is what happens when you have a workplace that anyone can just wander into. Get a keypad for the front door, Nick! Carla goes for wine o'clock chez Jenny and ignores a call from Peter because she's worried about seeming drunk and insensitive. She tells Peter she's staying over in Harrogate, a lie quickly demolished by Adam who says Sarah went to Harrogate instead of Carla.

Yasmeen is doing better, saying she will do front of house at Speed Daal and it's going well until a punter asks if he could hire Goeff for his niece's first communion party (is this a thing?) and she goes into a spiral.

Everyone is suffering from money problems at the moment: Fiz and Tyrone with their debt to Gary, Leanne with no income and Simon with his fake debt to Janky Jacob, Sean and Gemma and what they owe to the make-up pyramid scheme, and now Yasmeen who's discovered that Geoff has left a stash of unpaid bills, including one to Imran. Pay that one first please, Yas, we don't want Immers going short on beard clippers or hair product or anything that might impeded his handsomeness. Alya says they will have to meet with the bank.

The comedy storyline involves Steve, Tim, Eileen, George and a hearse. Tim and Steve argue over who gets to drive the hearse:- Steve does a Lewis Hamilton around the cobbles and so Tim wins the funereal driving test. They then have to be inspected by Eileen in their dark suits and told to take things a bit more seriously. They do not do this, instead they take the p out of Eileen for her crush on George. Are Gorgeous George and Eileen going to get together? Although Peter could soon be single and Eileen likes a car crash.

Meanwhile, Simon has gone Full Gangsta, telling Leanne to do her own shopping and boasting to Jacob about his previous life in a gang with Tyler. That, um, posse was terribly annoying, but I think the total sum of their badness was mugging Audrey wasn't it? Hardly a reign of terror. Jacob gives him a new phone, then later suggests Simon tries some of the Bad Drugs.

Ronnie invites Ed out to a casino and Ed has to confess that he and Aggie lost the house because of his gambling. Ed says he is lucky that Aggie is still with him Ronnie agrees to lay off Aggie and stop pushing her buttons. He's already pushed her, erm, button hasn't he? Like, 9 months before Michael was born?

Rachel Stevenson - on twitter

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  1. Since so many have died of COVID 19 around the world,I am appalled that the writers are using Ted's funeral as a 'comedic' storyline simply because he's Gail's father.
    Geoff's funeral was taken more seriously and he was an abuser while Ted a good man is treated with disrespect by Eileen,Tim and Steve all of whom should know better.
    If this is the best the writers can think up for Eileen then maybe it's time she should go.

    1. I agree wholeheartedly. Making ridiculous comedy from this subject is tasteless. I wonder what message this gives viewers. Corrie is so wrapped up in giving themselves "issues" to script they seem to be losing sight of quite how to pitch their comedy interludes.

  2. Why should a perfectly good actress have to go? It’s the writers that should go if their stories are rubbish.

  3. Tim's father has just died and Steve has lost two young children. Apart from being tasteless, it was quite unlikely these two grown men would behave like that. It was one of those scenes where you can tell the gurning actors are having a whale of a time.
