Monday 15 February 2021

Coronation Street Episode Review Monday 15th February

To be honest, being stuck in a fridge overnight sounds better, and warmer, than going camping outside in February. Coldstores are kept at around 4°C, whereas it was like -10°C overnight last week. Also isn't Kevin a mechanic? I know coldstores are not cars, but he must have the kind of mind that could work out how to get out of a locked fridge. Jimmy it open? Anyway, a lot of time and the need to keep talking leads Kev and Debs to reminisce about their childhood before arguing about it and then critiquing each other's lives before making it up and telling each other they're not going to die, ignoring the 2m distancing rule to huddle together.

Craig turns up to let Faye, Abi and Sally know that they've arrested Ray after Miles's tip-off (I hope Miles joins Barlow and Habeeb, they could do with another dodgy lawyer on the books) to Abi's shock and anger. She chews out the police detective who suggests that Kev and Abi have run away together with Ray's dough. She goes to the Bistro to look for clues and although she hears Kevin banging on the door, she assumes it's coming from outside and leaves again. Will the frozen siblings ever be found?

Tyrone's still in the dog house about letting the con-man take all of Gary's inventory. Would the thief get much for a few sticks of second hand furniture? Probably not as much as his waistcoat cost. I can only think that this storyline is to push Fiz and Ty apart and Ty towards Alina Pop! and I am not happy about that. Fiz goes (back) to pris to tell Gary the bad news and he tells her that they will need to pay back £600, a price which seems to have an idiot tax levied on top.

Evelyn serves Tyrone some corn beef hash because it's 1981 apparently and it's not long before he's clutching his chest, but it's heart-burn rather than heart-attack. "It's out with the cream cakes and in with the curly kale," says Evelyn, to Tyrone's disgust.

Still in pris, Johnny is told by the friendly prison doctor that he has Charles Bonnet Syndrome. He confesses to Jenny that he doesn't want the hallucinations to go away as he likes seeing Aidan. Well, I suppose it's nice that someone does. He flushes his medication down the suspiciously clean prison toilet.

Leanne's still on the phone to "Crystal Moon". This may be controversial but I don't see the problem with mediums. I am an atheist rationalist, but if a pretend psychic can bring peace to a bereaved person, what's the harm? I mean, now that Toyah's gone from NHS counsellor to um? sales? in the factory, a private therapist'd probably cost more than a few premium phone calls.

The high tension drama storyline is about Billy and disabled access in the diocese's churches. Todd suggests selling the pews and buying in some fold down chairs so as to be able to have a more inclusive space. Billy is pleased with this idea as he'll be able to go up against Methodist Pam's Single Mums Bums and Tums class. I suppose it makes a change that Todd is being helpful in order to get into Billy's pants, rather than lying, cheating and catfishing his ex. It's too good to be true though as Todd makes a £1500 profit on selling the pews. That's his commission!

Rachel Stevenson - on twitter

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  1. If you were stuck in a fridge and possibly about to die would you stay 2 metres away from your sibling rather than huddle together for warmth and comfort?

  2. With all the people who have gotten locked in that fridge, you'd think SOMEONE would have put a handle on the inside by now!

  3. The psychological and financial effects of these fake psychics is very real. I have a friend who paid over 40 grand to one of these rip off charlatans after her gran died, it left her in debt she couldn't afford, and halted her bereavement process as it prevented her grieving properly. This sort of thing isn't "just a bit of fun", it's conning money from vulnerable people.

    1. Absolutely right. Fraud is fraud. Another thing that the writers got wrong, just like the idea that Romanian girls are trafficked into the country to fill a crippling shortage of nail technicians. Psychic fraudsters aren't working for "premium call pittance", they're after the possibility of inheritance money from bereaved people who also suffer from survivor's guilt. Grifters and bastards, all.
