Monday 1 February 2021

Coronation Street Episode Review Monday 1st February

It's Paul's case back in the Media City meeting room a.k.a the magistrate's court. It doesn't look good for Paul - the crew have built that prison set and (like the hospital) they're going to get use out of it, but instead he gets a community order, an anger management course and 120 hours community service. So it's all back to normal in the Mayhew-Foreman-Spellman household. Except...

Todd calls Will to instruct him to do something shady. It looks like Todd's evil plans are bearing fruit - it did seem like he was going to be the Hooded Claw to Paul's Penelope Pitstop, carrying out his bad deeds, but being foiled every time. This one backfires somewhat as Summer interrupts Will smashing up the flat, runs down the stairs and smack into a car. They really should pedestrianise that street. Paul tells Billy and Craig that it was Will wot did it and Billy gets more angry than a vicar should do, really. Todd gives Will £50 and tells him he never wants to hear from him again.

(On a side note, I've just realised that the under-used Ajay was also the lovely Jas in Two Doors Down. If you haven't seen that, you'd probably like it).

Tyrone and Fiz do the full Jack and Vera re: Tyrone's snoring and Fiz's elbowing, much to Alina's amusement. Tyrone moans about being outnumbered by the women in his household. Can't he count Cerberus as being on his gender side? Alina appears in a towel and Tyrone gets embarrassed. I very very very very much hope TPTB aren't going to force Ty and Alina Pop! into an affair, not least because I want her and Michael to get together (once Grace has slung her hook).

Nina continues Asha's education by showing her some Aubrey Beardley nudes before the watershed. I guess now that Sophie and Kate have left to go travelling (I have decided that they got to New Zealand before lockdown rather than they are wandering across Asia spreading Coronavirus in their wake) that there needs to be some new lesbians, but what about two middle aged ladies discovering their love for each other - for instance Yasmeen and Elaine - rather than the traditional attractive young women? Anyway, they share a socially distanced snog.

Meanwhile, Aadi goes a few points down in everyone's estimation by quoting from The Art Of The Deal by failed president Donald Trump, although he does suggest doing grocery deliveries (Ocaadi?) from the shop.

We need to talk about Peter. Corrie has recently portrayed coercive control with the major storyline of Geoff and Yasmeen and the minor one of Corey and Asha, but Peter 'n' Carla is always portrayed as true love with some bumps, rather than a toxic controller and his victim. He forced her out of her dad's pub and into the arms of badger boy Adam, then blamed her for his own alcoholism, told her he never wanted to see her again and then persuaded her back when she had an escape route via that Northern Irish charmer of last week. Isn't he a bad'un as well? Anyway, they go for a historical building day out and then to the pub where Peter finds it hard to deal with the beer, the prattling and the fruit machine and rushes off. He admits to Carla that he's been throwing away his medicinal whisky as he is worried it's going to kill him and that he's being set up to fail. He insists Carla take him to the hospital to see the alcohol nurse.

Meanwhile in Money Worries Street, Leanne can't pay the leccy bill and refuses to ask Nick for help. Why doesn't she go back to work? Simon has a scally friend in the chippie who offers to lend him some money. Is this Jacob a nephew of Rotten Rick the money-lender?  Or is he selling drugs along with the saveloys? Simon tells Leanne he's sorted out a pre-paid electricity meter for which Leanne thanks him. You pay more per kwh with those things, Leanne! No wonder she's in financial straits.

Rachel Stevenson - on twitter

All original work on Coronation Street Blog is covered by a Creative Commons License


  1. Rachel, you make an excellent point about Peter and Carla. Carla's a strong woman just as Yasmeen was pre-Geoff. He was portrayed as evil. But Peter has been on the Street for years, we know his family, we love him so he becomes a flawed hero. The publicity machine keeps stressing that this couple are Burton and Taylor. Well, Burton and Taylor split up - so there's hope yet. This has been a very unbalanced storyline. Everything is about Peter; Carla has had no relative or friend to advise her to chuck Peter before he drags her down. A happy ending does not have to mean they stay together.

  2. Where is Bernard Cribbens when you need him ? We know from ‘Right Said Fred’ that it’s impossible to get a piano upstairs without lots of cups of tea and then giving up and going home! For a vicar and his boyfriend to do it quietly and unobserved is impressive. Are we now going to see them dismembering it and taking it to the tip?
    And as for the masks farce...we need an advice headline. “So that viewers can actually hear what’s being said, we are abandoning masks. Please continue to follow real life guidance yourselves !”
    Can’t wait to see what Ghastly Gary’s latest spell in the one-room prison is going to have done to his even more ghastly hairstyle.

  3. Also, Carla is quite fragile herself. I wonder if she will suffer a relapse of her psychosis with this stress. Especially since she's no longer taking meds.

  4. Jeanie (anon):

    Not to mention that Peter managed to insinuate himself back into her life, house, and bed when she was mentally ill and struggling to recover from her break-down. Before that, when she was strong and well, she wanted no part of him. I found that the worst of all, not much different from that guy taking advantage of her when she was on the street. I'm really surprised that Roy, of all people, was encouraging her to get back together with him. Much better to move on to someone who might actually look after her and care about her, not just use her and abuse her.

    I too find it craze-making when they take off masks to come inside and put them on to go out! Especially in hospitals and sitting at hospital beds! Would make more sense not to wear them at all then to show incorrect wearing protocol.

  5. You make a good point about Peter. Why is Carla the only one being called out for her behaviour, what about Peter? One minute he’s telling her he forgives and the next he’s calling her the town bicycle and that if he dies it will be her fault. Putting that kind of blame on a woman who recently suffered a psychotic breakdown is nothing short of emotional abuse. And the fact Carla keeps coming back to him only makes it worse.

    I wouldn’t say Peter’s a bad person though, just a flawed one. Being an alcoholic is an illness. But that doesn’t excuse the way he’s treated Carla and I hope we get a scene later down the line of Peter acknowledging the hurt he’s caused her, because it’s really needed. Wish the writers would give Carla and Peter a happy storyline for once because they’re both great characters and a great couple when given half a chance, but the writers can’t help throwing misery at them because they know the actors are good at the dramatic stuff.
    Personally, all I want is to see Carla return to the strong, fun character she used to be, and if that means ditching Peter, so be it.

    And don’t get me started with the producer’s fascination with comparing them to Burton and Taylor! That’s no compliment. Burton and Taylor had a notoriously volatile, codependent relationship that didn’t have a happy ending… not exactly inspiring, is it?

  6. Jeanie, Yes! I hated the way Peter wormed himself back into her life during her psychosis - something about him felt so disingenuous and icky, I was convinced he was going to be revealed as the bad guy.
