Saturday 27 February 2021

Charlotte Jordan interview: Daisy sets Jenny up on a date

Why is Daisy so against Johnny?

To be fair to Daisy he hasn’t given her the best first impression. It started with the most awkward dinner party ever and all Daisy has seen is this man who has a criminal past, has ended up in prison and tried to push Jenny away. She remembers what Jenny’s relationship was like with her dad in the good times and she thinks that Jenny deserves better this, it’s hardly wedded bliss. Don’t get me wrong, I think her methods are wrong, but it comes from a place of love.

Why does she try to set Jenny up with Neil, the guy who flirted with her in the Rovers?

She wants Jenny to see that she has options. Daisy thinks Jenny deserves better and she doesn’t just have to settle for this. Every time she hears from Johnny she comes back miserable and down and she hates seeing that. ‘Daisy takes the bull by the horns and wants to show Jenny she has options. She thinks she can do better and this guy provides something different. 

How does Jenny react when she finds out that Daisy has set her up?

Jenny is flattered by Neil’s attention but she thinks Daisy interferes too much and will put her in her place. But because of their past, Jenny will let her get away with quite a lot as she has a lot of guilt around leaving her. So Daisy could get away with all sorts of things. 

Is she really looking out for Jenny?

Daisy may be a lot of things but she’s fiercely loyal and she has Jenny’s best interests at heart.

Bar Jenny, it seems that Daisy is quite self centred? 

The only people that she cares about right now are herself and Jenny and she’ll step over everyone else to get where she needs to get. She’s essentially out for herself and she’s got questionable morals. She is very loyal though, if she cares about someone she will do what she can to do right by them.

She’s quite the minx, do you think Daisy could be a bit of a man eater?

She is aware of her effect on men and uses that to her advantage. Daisy would flirt with anything with a pulse. 

How are you enjoying being on Coronation Street?

It’s been lovely, everyone’s been very welcoming and I feel very settled. It’s a lovely place to work, I am enjoying it and I am learning a lot. At the moment with covid restrictions you can only have a few people in a scene so there are a lot of people I haven’t met yet. I’m looking forward to that side of things in the future and working with lots more different characters.  Everyone knows Coronation Street, it’s an institution so I am thrilled to be a part of it. 

How much do you know about Daisy’s character?

The character breakdown explained she’s bubbly and comes across as sugar and spice but she has an edge. It’s a great character to play, she is fun and interesting. She says some outrageous things, so there’s some real comedy and drama potential in there too. 

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