Friday 22 January 2021

Coronation Street Episode Review Friday 22 January

Evening Corrie fans, it’s Kelly here with your Friday night review.

At the Bistro, Ray’s dodgy lawyer is advising him to confess to assaulting Fay, but strangely he seems less than keen on a five-year stretch in the nonce wing and says that he needs to stall.  He calls Abi and asks her to meet him, and despite promising to Kev literally seconds before that she’d steer clear of Ray, she agrees to meet him in the Rovers backyard. 

In the Rovers yard they face-off like two cats about to have a set-to over territory. Ray says he’ll go to the police and confess when she deletes the footage, but Abi says she’ll only delete it after he’s been to the police. Before the UN has to be called in to break the stalemate, Sally interrupts them and calls her away. When Abi returns, Ray agrees to her terms but when she suddenly comes over all dizzy and collapses, he takes her phone. Well, I confess I’ve underestimated Ray. I thought he was a rather low-level white-collar criminal, but clearly he’s some kind of Bond villain who can get hold of mild coma-inducing drugs within minutes. And that’s without mentioning his ability to create a ginormous sinkhole in the middle of the night without waking a single resident. 

Meanwhile Gemma and Chesney are in financial dire straits. Sean is hounding Gemma about his commission from the pyramid scheme and Kirk wants the money he leant Chesney back. When Gemma finds out that Vanessa plans to use her child maintenance to buy the starter pack, she refuses to sign her up and tells she wants Sean out. This infuriates Sean who is in turn being bullied by some appalling bargain-bin Apprentice candidate called Rhydian. He tells Gemma that if she doesn’t find the money they’ll both be sued for breach of contract. Eventually Chesney is forced to use their rent money to pay Kirk and Sean. Incidentally does anyone know who owns their house? Cos if Ray wanted to buy up the Street, it’d probably have been easier for him to start with faceless landlords rather than residents.

At Speed Daal, Elaine offers to help Yasmeen out. She’s charmingly useless, which isn’t helped by her  first customer being Evelyn, who demands a strawberry and mango smoothie with less chit-chat. Later the two clash again when Evelyn refers to Elaine’s Pomeranian dog, Tinkerbell as a daft accessory, but eventually they bond over rescue dogs. This is good news as I’m personally all for an Evelyn/Elaine/Yasmeen trimuvirate, sitting in a Rovers nook putting the world to rights over a milk stout.

In other news, Grace tells Michael she wants to move to Hull so that she can live rent-free with her Aunt. Now while I’d be quite happy to stump up the money for the one-way train fare, Michael seems quite keen to keep her around and insists that they try to persuade Aggie to let her move in to No. 3. Unfortunately for them Aggie has just come back from a 12-hour shift, so this idea goes down like fat kid on a see-saw. I have a horrible feeling they’ll keep trying though.

Back at the Bistro, Debbie bursts in and tells Ray that Abi has sent her a video of him bribing the chairwoman. It turns out that she’s sent it to all of her phone contacts. Good work girl. Though not sure why you didn’t just do this in the first place? As Debbie rages at him she sees Abi lying unconscious on the floor. Terrified that they’re going to add murder to their list of crimes and misdemeanours, she tells him they need to call an ambulance. Ray is having none of it and says he’ll kill her if she does. As Abi starts to come round, Ray and Debbie have a tussle and she dials 999. But when the ambulance arrives, they find no one there but Abi.  

Abi wakes up in hospital with Kev by her bedside. Debbie comes to visit but doesn’t mention that she called the ambulance or what has happened to Ray? What do we think? Has he scarpered or has Debs finished off the job that Fay tried to do? 

As an aside, I had a bet with my Dad this week over who was next in the Coronation Street hospital bed, recently vacated by Adam. My money was on Peter, so Dad if you’re reading this, the fiver’s in the post. 

If anyone wants to help me make my money back please suggest the next occupant to me in the comments or on twitter @mskelstar 

All original work on Coronation Street Blog is covered by a Creative Commons License

1 comment:

  1. Does Sean not get paid for working at Underworld then? The way he is going on you would think he has no money coming in at all.
