Tuesday 8 December 2020

‘I only came in for 12 episodes, it’s been 37 years’ Corrie Press Day interview with Michael Le Vell and Sally Carman

As part of our Corrie 60th press day interview series, we joined ITV journalist Nina Nannar to zoom chat with Kevin Webster (Michael Le Vell) & Abi Franklin (Sally Carman) about the demolition storyline, and anniversary week.

NN = Nina Nannar, ML = Michael Le Vell, SC = Sally Carman 

NN -  How many years have you been in Corrie? 

ML-  It's been 37 years now,  I never thought when I came in for 12 episodes I would still be here celebrating the 60th anniversary. It's fantastic to be involved in this storyline as well. All of the cast like to be involved in the big stories, it is flattering.

NN - How much notice do you get before becoming involved in such a big storyline? Kevin is a defender of the street, isn't he?

ML - About a week (!) and yes he is. I doubt he would ever move away from the street. It's not just the street itself but the other residents as well.

NN - This storyline will bring an unhappy conclusion when Kevin finds out about his sister, Debbie? 

ML - It was a surprise. We had no idea that Debbie was in cahoots with Ray until we got the script. I hope she can win Kevin back round as I love having Sue Devaney (Debbie Webster) with us again.'

NN - When you joined, did you imagine staying as long as possible? 

ML - 'To be honest, no, you can never make that decision. You only ever get a 12-month contract regardless of how long you have been here, and at any one time. You can never take it granted - you take it year on year, to be honest.'

NN - What do you think has been the most significant change in Corrie over the last three / four decades you have been there? 

ML - 'I think they try to do more social issues but with more humour. More storylines are driven now and going from two episodes a week to six a week.'

NN - Usually with a big anniversary show, we expect a one-hour live or spectacular stunts etc. Has Covid changed everything? 

ML - 'It has but we can still maintain that high standard of drama, you will see in the coming weeks. But it's more about the acting now and less about any stunts or flash, bang, wallop.' 

NN - Sally, Abi has not been in the street for a massive amount of time yet she loves it! 

SC - 'Yes, I think she can't quite believe her luck. She has never had a family and has broken everything she ever touched. So, to be embraced by this community, and one that has given her numerous chances - she is very loyal.'

NN - Abi is involved in the anniversary week, has it been fun to do? 

SC - 'I got to drive a digger! it has been brilliant. Corrie has been in my life for such a long time, and whether you watch it or not, you know somebody that does. To be a part of it is truly mind-blowing.'

NN - Originally, Abi was only going to be in a few episodes. It must be gratifying when you make it and your character takes off? 

SC - 'Absolutely! I am so happy. We see many actors that have not had that longevity in the show - I have been lucky.'

This particular interview was a real highlight for this Corrie fan. Hearing Michael Le Vell (Kevin) share friendly banter with Sally Carman (Abi), and Sue Devaney (Debbie Webster) was a real treat, you do get a sense that this lot enjoy working together. 

Loved it! 

I am @rybazoxo your corrie connossieur

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