Friday 4 December 2020

Ellie Leach interview: Faye accuses Ray of trying to rape her

Gary and Maria know that something is wrong and they are suspicious about Ray’s behaviour, why hasn’t Faye confided in them about what has happened?

Faye feels that this is what happens in a job like this, she has this new job and that she doesn’t want to lose it so she feels like she can’t accuse Ray of taking advantage of her because he will take her job away. She also doesn’t think that anyone will believe her if she tells the truth which is sad because this sort of thing happens in real life and people don’t want to speak about it because they don’t think people will believe what they say. 

How much does Faye know about Ray’s character and his past? Is she scared of him?

She doesn’t know very much. She knows there was an incident with Bethany and also with Alya but she doesn’t really know the details, she has only heard rumours. People have said to her, ‘You need to watch yourself around him,’ but she doesn’t actually know why people say that, she thinks it’s to do with him buying up the street. She also doesn’t realise what Ray is doing to her and how he has been manipulating her; she just thinks he is being nice to her and that he has offered her a job because he believes in her but it is a lot more malicious than that. 

Faye tells Sally and Tim she doesn’t want to work for Ray anymore but not the reason why. How is keeping such a big secret like this to herself affecting her?

She obviously wants to confide in someone and tell people what has happened but she just feels so embarrassed because she thinks that no one will believe her. 

Talk us through what happens when Ray finds Faye in Victoria Gardens and she accuses him of trying to rape her. What is going through her head when she stands up to him? 

Faye accuses Ray of trying to rape her and although she is really scared of him, she doesn’t want to show him that she is scared so she tries to play this big, confident person when she is really feeling the complete opposite inside. But she wants him to know how she felt in that moment in his office. She is trying to say to him, ‘I know what you were trying to do and it’s not right.’ He acts like he doesn’t know what she is talking about but she is certain that she knows what happened wasn’t right.  She also doesn’t want to report this incident to the police because she has already slept with him in the hotel which although it was consensual, she was pressured into and he took advantage of her. But this is stopping her from going to the police because she thinks that they won’t believe what she has to say because she has already agreed to sleeping with him once. Ray has got that over her head. 

What does Faye want? If Faye had one wish, what would it be?

At the start of this week, Faye just wants to forget this ever happened but as time goes on we are going to see that Faye wants Ray to suffer like she has. She is old enough to realise the situation that Ray has put her in is wrong and it should be looked into.  She wants justice. 

What has it been like taking on this challenging storyline? Why is it important for Coronation Street to explore this on screen?

It’s been a difficult storyline to play because it is scary to think that there are people out there who are superior or in positions of power and they manipulate people as young as Faye. Ray has given Faye this amazing promotion which she wants to build a career on but because he is superior to her, he can easily take that away from her and she doesn’t want that so she goes along with whatever he says. It’s pure manipulation because Ray has made Faye feel like she owes him her life. Faye feels like she has come from nothing and now she has this great job where she is working in restaurants, in hotels, in bars but Ray has given her this job because he wants to manipulate her and use her as a pawn in his game. It’s so easy to be sucked in to that manipulation and people don’t speak up about it because, like Faye, they feel like no one will believe them. But sometimes when one person speaks up, it starts a chain reaction and others speak up too and that’s how these people get caught because people aren’t afraid to talk about what has happened to them when they see that it has happened to other people. 

What advice would you give to Faye?

I would tell Faye to speak up and that people will believe her. Faye knows what happened and she shouldn’t feel like that is her fault ever because it’s not, Ray took advantage of Faye and that is his wrong, not hers. 

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