Saturday 19 December 2020

Corrie Comicals week ending Friday 18 December 2020

Sally, when your husband's magician father has just died you can hardly tell him that it cannot be put right by waving a magic wand.  And anyway Tim always thought he only had one parent and now that is true!

Geography on the Street is always marginally complicated but no doubt you will recall the massed ranks of the civilian defence team massing outside the gates of Nuttalls Brewery last week.  This week we see what is behind those gates - not a brewery but the back yard of Underworld and a red tipper bin into which Carla dumps Peter's blood stained pullover.  I know there is a fence in between the two - but honestly can you picture a mega dray turning in the space where that yellow van is parked?

Ken does not have a great opinion of his offspring does he?  Here he is accusing Peter of having had one go at Adam and has come to finish the job off.  He can't stand Lawrence who is anti-gay (or was 10 years ago) and of course Daniel pushed him downstairs.  I think he gets on better with Tracy than his own sons.  Come on Ken even you must know that Peter is not capable.

Sarah has just told Gary that he is not going to get away with his attack on Adam (he didn't - it looks like Faye what dunnit thinking it was Ray) and he responds with the line above.  Well of course those pesky kids might have something to do with it.  Although if Simon was painting words on the solicitor where was Sarah - even David thinks she might have done it!

I struggled with this a little.  Paul is 30, Todd 35.  Todd instantly recalls the financial crisis of 2008 - he was in London learning his dark arts.  Paul was 18 - which may have been about the time he was in jail - hence not recalling the financial crash.  However he also tells Todd that there will be a DBS check to enable him to work on the helpline.  Surely Paul would also have had a DBS check and his conviction would surely have meant he could not work on the helpline.  Anyone else as confused as me?

Booze in a woman is also a bad combination as Shona goes on to show.  She and Simon (who should be sitting next to the canal fishing) are inside the Bistro enjoying some minging cocktails.  She does warn Simon off the evil drink but also gives a practical demonstration of always knowing where your towel keys can be found having locked them both in!

This time next week it will all be over bar the shouting.

Writers: Ian Kershaw & David Isaac (Monday); Alasdair Morrison & Damon Alexis-Rochefort (Wednesday); Simon Crowther (Friday)
Directors: George C. Siougas (Monday & Wednesday); Steve Finn (Friday)


All original work on Coronation Street Blog is covered by a Creative Commons License


  1. How could Faye mistake Adam for Ray? Their hair is completely different and Adam wasn’t sitting in complete darkness.

    1. In the right light very shiny dark hair like Adam has might be mistaken for silver like Ray's. Also,Faye isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer so her being flustered enough to attack the wrong man sounds about right.
