Monday 14 December 2020

Coronation Street Episode Review Monday 14th December

It's the morning after the 60th anniversary week before and poor old Adam is still lying on the floor of the Bistro, Carla is still waiting up for Peter and Peter's still blaming Carla for his own actions. Peter has blood on him (or is it paint from the graffiti on the solicitor's door?), Gary is washing his hands like Lady Macbeth and Simon is nowhere to be found. Rotten Ray and Dastardly Debbie find Adam and he's off to Kate Oates Memorial, not before Daniel has instructed Sarah to accompany him to the hospital, where she's questioned by the po-po, although they don't find out that she did leave the house the night before (witnessed by Harry).

Peter refuses to make nice with Carla, yelling at her, then inventing a story about helping a fellow drunk in the Red Rec who had blood on him after a misadventure with a broken bottle. This is overheard by the cop who's lurking around the pub. Peter is taken in for questioning and Carla hides the blood stained jumper, later bleaching it and dumping it in a refuse bin, where it will no doubt be found by D.I. Baldy in a couple of episodes time. Peter has the DTs and the sweats and he leaves the police station under his own steam, returning to tell Carla he no longer loves her.

Fay(e) says she is resigning from the Bistro, which Tim assumes is because Rays been trying to buy up people's houses rather than because he assaulted her. Ray approaches Faye in the community garden, claiming it was al a misunderstanding. Maria sends him off and tries to persuade Faye to go to the police, although it seems more for Gary's sake than Faye's.

Debbie rows with Sally in the caff before going on to try to convince Gary to sell the factory. Gary says he's not interested in doing deals with Ray the perv. Debs says he has "an eye for the ladies" but Gary tells her he's a sex pest. Problem with "sex pest" it sounds like he's Benny Hill, peering in windows, rather than an attempted rapist. Anyway, she doesn't persuade him but Gary does persuade Maria to give him an alibi as he doesn't have one for Friday night. Gazza joins the the crack team of Roy, Abi, David and Brian, telling them that he has proof that Ray is behind the sinkhole.

Tim is in denial, telling Yasmeen and Elaine that he's not bothered about his dad and they can fling him in a ditch as far he's concerned. He then invites Elaine to live with him and Sally. I guess he wants a (wo)man around the house? Sally is less than impressed about her mother in law living with her. She leaves Tim and Elaine to it, with Tim wanting to watch Elf, bake a yule log and talk about his 100m trophies, like he's trying to fit forty-odd years into one afternoon.

Meanwhile, at the factory Todd pretends his shower is on the blink and asks Paul if he can use his. At the flat, he starts snooping around before Billy comes home and almost gets in the shower with the Toddster (!). Billy shouts at Todd but ends up inviting him to lunch. Free lunch and shower! It's Todd's lucky day. Todd manipulates Billy into saying he can come 'round whenever he wants.

And finally, Daniel and Nina? As an item? It could work!

Rachel Stevenson - personal blog

All original work on Coronation Street Blog is covered by a Creative Commons License

1 comment:

  1. So Billy despite being aware of Paul's feelings about Todd,sees nothing wrong with letting his ex come to the flat whenever he wants?!
    This won't end well for Paul.
